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enamel club badge

Started by nick Godridge, September 24, 2012, 15:45:21

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nick Godridge

If anybody out there has one for sale can they please contact me?
   Nick G

Robin A Woolmer

nick Godridge

yes I have Robin. Noothing to stop me having another look though.
   Nick G

Robin A Woolmer

There is one in Australia


This one: (Click pic)
   Be careful though as the one that just sold for £52 (see Crock`s post in the thread in 'General Discussion') that didn`t look quite right to me, there was no apostrophe on 'Owners', also, the mounting area didn`t look like any other I`ve seen. Plus, it was described as being made in the 70`s or 80`s but in very good condition for a 60 year old badge! The one above, however, looks ok.

AC Ace Bristol

Very Interesting !!.
   I bought my ACOC enamel Badge in 2000, It hasn't the apostophe after the  s of "Owners".
   Not sure how many batches  or Variants have been run off over the years and whether more than one company produced them for and on behalf of the ACOC.
   Maybe One of our long established members knows.[?].
   Have also seen Brass  enameled versions advertised on ebay, Were they produced for and on behalf of The ACOC..[?] or by a some enterprising individual..[?]
   However with Alan Luibinsky threatening ACOC with legal ACtion should they reproduce copies of Club memrobilia with their Old Logo Its simply a case of supply and demand..[:(]
   If only someone happened to have a hoard of originals stashed away.[;)]
   Can you really see many rushing out to buy the New logo. When  New and Old members are searching for the real McCoy.[}:)]


   I checked my early correspondence with the ACOC and I purchased my badge, identical to the one posted by Nik, October /73 complete with apostrophe.
   It has stood the test of time well except the white enamel of the letters AC has worn away leaving the chrome back ground, it looks rather smart and no legal trade mark conseqences!
   The best part was the invoice for GBP 3.00 annual subscription, airmail postage for "club newsletter" GBP 2.00 and "club metal badge" GBP 1.00.
   Jonathan Parker
   AEX 1194


Originally posted by jp7025:
   The best part was the invoice for GBP 3.00 annual subscription, airmail postage for "club newsletter" GBP 2.00 and "club metal badge" GBP 1.00.
   Cheers,Jonathan Parker
Hahaha... I can go one better!
   From Dad`s ACOC application, February 1964:
    "I enclose herewith my remittence of £2:12:6 for:
   Ordinary Membership Entrance fee, £1(to include car badge)and first annual subscription, £1 5. 0. = £2 5.0   and 1 ACOC tie.
   The badge in it`s first location, 1964.
   This badge is virtually flat, but apart from a stonechip or 2, looks very much as it did then, despite not being a deep enamelling.


   I concede.


Originally posted by nikbj68: the one that just sold for £52...didn`t look quite right to me, there was no apostrophe on 'Owners', also, the mounting area didn`t look like any other I`ve seen.
   The badge in it`s first location, 1964...This badge is virtually flat, but apart from a stonechip or 2, looks very much as it did then, despite not being a deep enamelling.
WELL. I`ve just looked at the badge that Dad got in 1964...and... NO APOSTROPHE!
   I my defence, the other 3 that I have owned all had an apostrophe, and the mounting face on the £52 still doesn`t look like any other I`ve seen! [:I]
   The 'Motorden' one pictured above sold for £94!!! Wowser! [:0]


Mine has no apostrophe...but in the end...who really cares???  We are members none the apostrophe or not!
   Drive on...


Indeed Rob, it would appear 'who cares' is the correct approach, I was concerned that the badge on eBay without one was not a genuine club badge, but it is now quite clear that a missing apostrophe is not an indicator of that!
   2 of my badges, the chromed brass on has lost it`s white & red enamel, but the solid brass one looks fantastic still.

   Dad`s badge:

   Sorry about the awful pic, must get a new phone!