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AC badge - which model please?

Started by Old Crock, June 07, 2012, 21:20:49

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Gus Meyjes

Nik and Robin: Agree. Maybe Shep can open a new conversation....

Old Crock

Do you mean resurrect the original logo as the new club logo?
   Here it is complete with wreath:


Sorry, Crock, I just meant the one you bid on would like nice with gold enamel!
   Too much discussion of the logo issue in open forum could jeopardise any future developments, and I believe THIS STATEMENT is still valid.

AC Ace Bristol

Nik  /  Rev / Robin /.. Gus / Old Crock and all   .[:)]
   Lets hope one day in the not too distant future AC Cars etc etc
   step back and review the stupid corporate suicide situation they have created and agree for a token ( £1.00) licence fee so that AC Owners Club can Continue to use they AC logo they have used and promoted since 1949.
   I sent a Le Mans Classic 2010 Rally Plaque to Alan Lubinski requesting that I can continue to use The AC / ACOC logo as I have for the past 12 years,  Received a very prompt negative response, Can't even use the Art Nouveau style Logo as it represents  ACedes [:(]
   So counter productive, reminds one of Gerald Ratner and his contempt for his Customers.
   So many Companies Worldwide plagiarise the AC Logo for financial gain[:(], Where as The ACOC have infact been the number ONE Ambassador in promoting the AC Marque[:)], Always there to help and support AC Owners and enthusiasts alike [;)].
   One day hopefully ACOC revert back to displaying the AC logo so proudly displayed on the front and the four wheel spinners on  all our AC's, In the meantime this years Le Mans Classic Rally Plaques will display a non Original AC logo.
   Sorry to detract from the initial thread,  a great AC badge in the Art Nouveau style, Could well have been created by Alphonse Mucha himself in the late 1890s, deserves to be displayed on the radiator of a Vintage AC..[;)]

Old Crock

The earliest use of the A-C logo
   Action, August 1990, had as its cover the advert below. Stuart Wallace had sent it, and it was believed the first use commercially of the AC roundel. The magazine was 'The Motor Cycle', and it's dated December 1909.
   The Sociable was first launched 1905/1906 (depending on reference), and was called the 'A & A motor carrier', the company being 'Autocar and Accessories Ltd', but 'Auto-Carrier' was quickly coined.
   Other earlier adverts, than that below, for the Sociable did use 'A-C' and 'Auto-Carrier' but no logo. Note the interesting wording to this advert - The mighty atom was the tit-bit of the Stanley show!


Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol
Nik  /  Rev / Robin /.. Gus / Old Crock and all   .[:)]
   Lets hope one day in the not too distant future AC Cars/ Heritage etc etc step back and review to stupid situation corporate suicide situation they have created and agree for a token ( £1.00) licence fee that AC Owners Club can Continue to use they AC logo they have used and promoted since 1949.
   I sent a Le Mans Classic 2010 Rally Plaque to Alan Lubinski requesting that I can continue to use The AC / ACOC logo as I have for the past 12 years,  Received a very prompt negative response, Can't even use the Art Nouveau style Logo as it represents  ACedes [:(]
   So counter productive, reminds one of Gerald Ratner and his contempt to his Customers.
   So many Companies Worldwide plagiarise the AC Logo for financial gain[:(], Where as The ACOC have infact been the number ONE Ambassador in promoting the AC Marque[:)], Always there to help and support AC Owners and enthusiasts alike [;)].
   One day hopefully ACOC  displayedrevert back to  displaying the AC logo so proudly on the front and the four wheel spinners on  all our AC's, In the meantime this years Le Mans Classic Rally Plaques will display a non Original AC logo.
   Sorry to detract from the initial thread,  a great AC badge in the Art Nouveau style, Could well have been created by Alphonse Mucha himself in the late 1890s, deserves to be displayed on the radiator of a Vintage AC..[;)]
   I think the issue with the badge is with Alan Lubinsky alone. I doubt if Steve Gray has much of a say in the matter. That being the case, I think it would be beneficial for the ACOC to rebuild the links with AC  Heritage that were in place a few years back.  At Brooklands this weekend, it would have been nice to have seen the Owners Club displaying their cars opposite the AC Heritage facility. As it was there was a display of Mustangs - nice but not ACs.

Gus Meyjes

The forum being what it may, an open forum without censorship, it's contributors should exercise some restraint sometime when it comes to open criticism of what is or what is left over of AC.
   I know, I'll get some crap for this, but place yourself in their shoes and question whether you would endorse this with your Logo/brand (essentially the only thing tangible left over from the AC days)
   AC is not what it was. I think it will go a long way if membership would accept that fact and move on. It really does not help if people bash the current state of affairs, other than that it might make you feel better. In the end it changes nothing and as long as we don't own the brand, it is not our decision as to what it's future and affairs may be. Simple as that. Steve Grey should be credited for investing the way he does in the brand and the club would do well by itself to embrace him and AC Heritage. Same with Lubinski. I don't know what the conversations have been and I'm sure there was a level "unreasonableness", but if we are serious about a closer relationship and having the approval to use the AC logo, than it would not hurt to reach out and as members refrain from disparaging remarks... Of course AC should be "man" enough to understand that the club is no marketing extension of the company and should not expect only adulation...
   So, beer and popcorn anyone, while we watch this one explode?


Reasons to be cheerful!
   AC Heritage, the successor to Autokraft - see my photos at Brooklands [:)]
   AC Mk VI - a high quality modern interpretation of the Cobra as confirmed by Terry Webb at Geneva in March.
   AC Mk11 Classic - the grp car to be built in South Africa is a high quality product developed by Riverside Racers with Hi Tech (of course based on AC's own design!) which will give AC some much needed volume if they are to support a dealer network.
   AC 378GT Zagato - Having seen this is in the grp on Saturday, I can confirm this is a superb design. All it needs now is a higher quality interior which will be ready when the car goes on sale in the Autumn.
   So we're a long way from the Mk V and Malta![;)]