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Brooklands Double Twelve event

Started by cobham cobra, February 08, 2012, 14:02:09

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Hi John, On Sunday a few of us met at the Princess Royal Pub at Runfold Surrey. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Pepper and his family, who had turned out in their White 1953 AC 2 litre Sport Convertible. He was quite interested in bringing his car to the Double Twelve, if you would like him to. What a lovely Sunday, sunshine, lovely cars and good beer! (Health and Safety: The ACOC does not encourage drinking and driving, but does encourage like minded enthusiasts to share their interest in cars) Here endeth the reading.

cobham cobra

Last call for any additions to the club display. Anyone interested in coming along with their car on either day, please email or call me.
   Thanks – John.


John, do you have access to some sort of portal in the time-space continuum that allows you to be at Brooklands AND Cholmondeley at the same time?
   (As Murray would say:)'Unless I`m very much mistaken', TACO is on the ENTRIES LIST page for the CPOP!!![:D]


Originally posted by nikbj68
John, do you have access to some sort of portal in the time-space continuum that allows you to be at Brooklands AND Cholmondeley at the same time?
   (As Murray would say:)'Unless I`m very much mistaken', TACO is on the ENTRIES LIST page for the CPOP!!![:D]

   Come on Nik, it is perfectly feasable to do two events in one day [:)]


Originally posted by aaron: Come on Nik, it is perfectly feasable to do two events in one day [:)]
One weekend, maybe, but I think any 'quality time' at 2 events 200 miles apart in a day is pushing it... even for a Cobra! [:o)]

cobham cobra

Simple, two Cobras. One real and a copy [:)]
   No, the real answer is that I wanted to support the POP and contacted them long before I got the dates for the X12. I had already provided the photos and had planned to do the event. The situation changed, I am a trust member at Brooklands and in talking with them they suggested it would be good to have a club display etc.
   The difficult decision was either to attend an event 200 miles away, or one that is less than 3 miles away ? I would really like to do both, but I don't think I can. Having recently returned from an 1800 mile trip to the Monaco Historic GP, I've had more than enough motorway miles for a while.
   I do feel a bit bad about it, but there's no way the Rev-limiter will sit in the car for another 500 mile round trip – not with the Le Mans trip coming up soon.


OK, you`re excused! Hopefully next year the CPOP won`t clash with anything & you can come oop for a reet grand northern knees-oop!
   As long as we have an exchange of photos etc. here for those that cannot attend one or both events that`ll have to do. [;)]