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ACOC Rest and Be Thankful 2013

Started by administrator, March 25, 2013, 13:42:39

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Since last years epic bit of 'off roading' during the 2012 International we are pleased to report that, at enormous expense, the old military road at 'Rest and Be Thankful' has been resurfaced.
   Come and join us on Drive It Day by testing this lovely smooth tarmacadam.
   We will gather for dinner and an informal evening at Kenmore Hotel on Loch Tay ( on Saturday 20th April. On Sunday 21st April, after breakfast, we will proceed to The Rest for some gentle exercise of the A.C.s. Note that the Highways Department do have first call on the newly resurfaced Rest as an emergency diversion in the event of a land slip affecting the main A83 - no such thing as a free lunch, but this is as close as it gets. In the unlikely event of a land slide I guess we will just have to do the distillery visit......
   After that there will be a chance for a late lunch or high tea at Loch Fyne or Inveraray and another night at Kenmore. All informal though - join and depart as you wish at any stage.
   There is an offer for us at Kenmore - Dinner B&B for £109 per room, however they will not hold this price as the date approaches so early booking is advised. Of course there are other hotels and B&B in the area if you prefer.
   Any questions to Barrie or Graham or, for those who are part of the Yorkshire raiding party to Howard. Timings and routes later when we know the participants.
   Graham Stuart: overhall at btinternet dot com
   Barrie Bird: bird at oldmanse dot net
   Howard Bryan: howardbryan at talktalk dot net


This run is shaping up nicely.
   We have planned so far a run on the Saturday afternoon (Currently mystery tour but ideas sounding great) ,evening dinner at Kenmore Hotel and a Sunday of fabulous driving and food and hill climbing.
   The Sunday run looks like Kenmore to Crianlarich,Tyndrum,Glen Orchy hotel,then down  (beside) the river orchy B8074 which I have on authority is one of the best driving roads in Scotland,on through Dalmally and on the A819 Glen Aray road to Inveraray for Lunch (Castle Tea room or Loch Fyne Sea foods) and then on to the newly resurfaced Rest and Be Thankful. All mouth watering.
   If any one knows where I can get a Ski rack & Rod rests for a Cobra please let me know.


I have placed an update on the "general" forum