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1966 Registration??

Started by Chafford, July 16, 2011, 10:17:54

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Originally posted by rstainer...Please also desist in posting advertising material on our website...

   Robin, whilst I agree that advertising one`s own items is 'poor form' and should be reserved for the SMALL ADS section of the ACOC website and ACtion, it is useful to members(and non members) to have links to items or vehicles posted and discussed, for example suitability of alternative spare parts, or the authenticity or provenance of a vehicle. Also online auction items which may be missed by interested parties.


   As a "newcomer" to the marque and potential purchaser of another vehicle it is extremely important to understand the implications of buying the "wrong"  AC - a very expensive mistake with almost every machine in the 50k - 100k price range - the information of what constitutes a "CORRECT" chasis or vehicle is not easily gleaned from the chassis data in the Cobra book or even from some of the conflicting comments on this site!
   As can be seen from just this one thread - and a prettty straight forward thread at that, one mans legally registered 1966 AC Cobra is another mans kit car - so please lets have more discussion not less on what's going on out there in the real commercial car world.
   Mr Strainer please remember that not all Cobra owners have the total factual recall that you have presumably assimilated over many years in the club and for many enthusiasts todays prices completely prohibit purchasing a 1960s Thames Ditton built machine. The temptation to purchase any vehicle that may have the required legal "trade" qualifications is very strong. Such is the power of the marque!

Robin A Woolmer

If you become a member you can access the members section which has all the chassis data from the factory, you can then also contact the respective Registrar
   It not a high cost considering the investment you are considering!

Gus Meyjes

And you can sign up electronically now!!!


Which "factory", the "old" one, the "new" one, an "acceptable" one the "other" one? When is a chassis number original or accepted or part of some other register? Why are CRSs acceptable but Mk VIs not? Are the rules always the same or it is just some moving feast?
   and PS I am a member.


Which factory, the "old" one, the "new" one, the "other" place or any that the owners of the trademark choose to produce the brand in? And as for chassis numbers - the Cobra book provides no explanation for the newer sequences or a guide to continuation numbers and please tell me why a Mk IV CRS Cobra is acceptable to the club and a Mk V not?
   PS I am a member! [:)]

Gus Meyjes

   You are hitting on a point that I've been trying to make in the recent past as well. Whether the powers at be in the ACOC like it or not, history on AC continues as we speak. ACOC can choose to record it or not. I am in favor of recording it, as long as it is done with respect to all matters AC. I have no need for a club that treats certain cars as the ugly step children. I think ACOC would benefit from adopting the approach that SAAC has taken.
   I don't quite understand any objection to that within the ACOC, as I don't see how in any way it would detract from the cars that are currently registered.


To buy or not to buy? That is the question! If you just won the lottery, that is not a problem because you have all the buying power you need to ensure the car and history are perfect. If your budget is restricted, then you need to buy very wisely, and cross check all the history with the registrar before parting with your hard earned cash. Remember, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is! There is a right price for every model and if you believe you can buy a Thames Ditton Cobra for 100k, then you will be disappointed. Once you find a car which fits your budget, you must ensure you are buying exactly what is described, and that it is recognised by the Club Registrar. If there is any doubt, the risk is all yours! If you can't afford the car of your dreams, then look for a less expensive substitute at a price you can afford, and do all your homework again. That way you will eventually own an appreciating asset. When you win the lottery, you can always go back to plan A.