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Radiator Top Hose

Started by AndyM, May 04, 2023, 17:23:22

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My top hose has sprung a leak, and Redline Engineering tell me that they were manufactured specifically for the Ace and are no longer available.
Any ideas anyone?
All the best


this problem was discussed in post
I guess the quickest solution is to make up a pipe using a T connector.

By the way the reference to the expansion tank in the post is not accurate. There is another post discussing the expansion tank which
states its from a mk 2 fiesta which I think is correct.
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Many thanks Paul - much appreciated. And apologies for not having spotted the earlier post myself!
All the best Andy


No worries, "blessed are those that don't ask, for they shall not receive!"
Hope you solve the leak.
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"