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Thanks to Andy Shepherd

Started by jucki, July 04, 2022, 14:50:09

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Many thanks to Andy Shepherd ....
.....his many years of work for our club has brought about many good things.
I don't know the unpleasant things that made him resign.
But I know one thing for sure and I will never forget it:
He lent me his helmet at the Goodwood Sprint Meeting 2018. Without this kind gesture, I would not have been able to take part.
Thank you again and all the best for the future.
Martin Jucker


Hi Martin, I remember it well and I always try to take a spare helmet just in case the scrutineers don't accept another competitor's one! We are all AC enthusiasts and try to help each other whenever possible. I have been privileged to be the Chairman of the AC Owners Club for the last 10 years, and have enjoyed so many Club events and gatherings. The whole world has changed so much over that period, and I am simply a racer with a passion for ACs and a love for like minded people. That used to be enough to be the Chairman. Sadly with the increasing regulations , litigation and the incredible rise in the value of our cars which leads to misrepresentation, I think the time has come for this old dinosaur to retire and let someone younger and more legal minded to take up the reigns. I hope to continue to help organise Club events and make sure members are able to enjoy their lovely cars. Thank you for your kind words and I hope to see you in the near future.
Kindest regards, Andy.


Ironic that you & I both stood down from our respective chairs almost to the day!

Nothing will stop our enthusiasm for all things AC, hopefully we can have a good catch-up at the Revival!
Onwards and upwards!  8)


Hope all is well with you Nik. Yes I'll try to be at the revival in a couple of weeks time.