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Le Mans Classic 2010

Started by AC Ace Bristol, July 13, 2010, 16:22:34

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AC Ace Bristol

A Big thank you to all ACOC club members who supported Jean Marc and I on this the fifth  Le Mans Classic we have organised.
   All 8 Chateau were full and catered for all our needs to the standard we have become accustomed.
   Jean Marc, Thank you for pulling all strings to cater for all 125 ACOC members who attended our ACOC Gala Dinner on Friday Night. Hopefully by 2012 the restaraunt has Air Con.  Pheeeww ....zzzz
   A very cosmoplitan mix of ACOC members, with 82 from the UK and the balance from as far afield as Luxemburg, Germany, France, Barvaria, Portugal, Hong Kong and  the 10 Members of the Mulacek Family who flew in from Chicago (USA) accompanied  by 4 AC Ace Bristol's.
   Well done Ron & Mauricette Mulacek.  Ron to save on air frieght costs you can always leave any one of the 4 Ace Bristols with me for safe keeping and to keep BEX333 company .... Not proud which one, all four were great restorations.
   During Saturday, I counted over 40 ACs on the Club Stand with various other AC's in other areas of the Bugatti Circuit and  further Aces and Cobras in three of the six paddocks.
   The massive Picture of John Deveson's 1959 Le Mans 24hr winning Ace took pride and place above Jean Marcs similar coloured Ace, a great combination and focul point, too advertise the ACOC !.... brought back to the UK for the ACOC National in August.
   Sorry to hear that Bertrand Lesuer's Ace Bristol blew a head gasket in it's fourth and final race, even more sorry to see ACOC Member Constant Wagner's Lotus 11 looking seriously modified and forlorn when it was attacked just 2 kilometres into the first lap of practice.. Just what planet was the other driver on ...[?][?]  Hopefully the FIA look into the incident.
   Due to Master Switch and Solenoid problems with BEX333, Julie & I didn't get back to the Circuit for the rest of Sunday's racing,  How did Kevin Kivlochan & Bill Bridges do in The yellow Canary [?] and  ACOC Member (ex AC Ace racer)  John Arnold do in his 1951 Renault 4CV,  Yep! a Renault 4CV.. and very cute it looked too!
   Thank you Jean Marc for helping make this our fifth Le Man's Classic a bigger success than our previous four. ( 2002/2004/2006 & 2008).
   Last but not least,  Hope all members got home safely without major incident and a very Big Thank You to all the ACOC members who supported Jean Marc Dubost & I throughout the weekend .....
   One of ACOC's major International events.
   Will download some pictures next weekend ... [;)]  with additional photos from any one who wishes to contribute.
   Keith Lessiter [:)][:)]


A big thanks to Keith & Jean Marc for the (huge) organisation that went into this event & hello to all of the people I met - did the ACOC stand win any prizes (I believe we came 3rd in 2008)?
   I stupidly thought I'd like to be close to the track action and booked a camping slot in Mason Blanche, which would have been fine, had the weather not touched 38 degrees on Friday afternoon!
   Definitely the last time I'll even contemplate the thought of camping & will be on the châteaux tour in 2012...
   Below are a few photo's I took of the event:


Thanks indeed to Jean Marc and Keith for organising another memorable event.  The ACOC and AC Club de France stand was full on Saturday morning and must have seen a record turnout.  Great meeting, racing, company, accomodation, food and motoring on quiet French roads - as good as it gets!

MkIV Lux

...  How did Kevin Kivlochan & Bill Bridges do in The yellow Canary [?] and  ACOC Member (ex AC Ace racer)  John Arnold do in his 1951 Renault 4CV,  Yep! a Renault 4CV.. and very cute it looked too!

   i've seen some of Kevin/Bill racing on Saturday night and Sunday. They were going hard, as usual. Met both on Sunday afternoon in their paddock after the race. Finished an excellent 9th overall. Bill Bridges's first time at Le Mans, whereas Kevin had raced there before.


QuoteOriginally posted by duggan

   James , I found this photo on Flickr.
   More great photo`s here :


QuoteOriginally posted by MkIV Lux
   Will you be at the Siverstone Classic this weekend ?

AC Ace Bristol

Various ACOC Pictures from Le Mans Classic 2010 taken by Julie lessiter & Peter De Rousset-Hall.
   Heiner Schaefer's Ace & BEX333
   Ron Mulacek's Ace Bristols
   John Arnold's 1951 Renault 4CV
   "Don't Jump, Jacqui!!!!"
   Homeward bound
   Bertrand Leseur's Ace Bristol BEX1205
   Keith [:)]

Gus Meyjes

   What size wheels do you run on BEX 333? And did you lower the ride height of your car?

AC Ace Bristol

   BEX333 runs on Standard 16 inch wheels shod with 165HR16 Avon Turbosteels.
   Car hasn't been lowered, just 54 years or wear and tear,  After 50 years we all sag a little. No problems with fouling arches even two up with luggage for two.
   Maybe it does now sit a little lower, Never really given it a thought, as years roll by you accept what you see, the reduction
   in ride hieght is  so gradual you simply don't notice the subtly difference.

Gus Meyjes

Thanks Keith,
   I am putting 15 inchers on my 2.6 ace, simply because of the wider availability of tyres. But I am going to have my 16 inch wheels from the Aceca refurbished. They will likely look better on the Ace.
   I think the springs give so much, over the years,  they actually are flat or slightly reversed. Sure makes your car look great.
   One year I will have to make it out to the UK or LeMans and join you all for an event with the ACOC.

AC Ace Bristol

   7 or 8 Chateau have aleady been provisionally booked for 2012 Le Mans Classic, awaiting confirmationof date for 2012, wont know for at least 8 months.
   Your name and details have been recorded along with a few dozen members who have requested specific accomadation.
   Hopefully the July dates will mean you can visit the UK, take in some special race and AC events plus Le Mans Classic number 6 and maybe Goodwood before flying back across the pond.
   If you don't fly or ship one of your ACs across the pond, then we must find you a car and driver.[;)][;)]
   Watch this space !!