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Attempted purchase of KOP108 AC 2 litre

Started by GSouthee, October 29, 2020, 10:12:41

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Well it seems that the protracted process of trying to purchase a 'garage find' has finally ended. After a lot of toing and froing with the friend of the lady selling it and his truly valiant efforts and getting me info and pictures, checking it over etc. The sale was then taken over by the a member of the family who wanted to try and sell the VRN on separately (originally on keeping it on the grounds of sentimentality to the lady) but later as it has a value to Liverpool Fans (not sure why, but then I do not follow football). Unfortunately the state of the car is very poor and the cost involved in getting passed an MOT so that they can transfer the VRN is prohibitive, so now they want to jack up the price of the car accordingly due to the perceived value of the VRN.

So I have now withdrawn form the purchase.

The car is still available if you are a Liverpool fan and want an AC with a suitable? VRN for you.

I will happily pass your info along if you want me to.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Big col

Sorry your efforts were wasted but by the sounds of it you did right.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


That's so frustrating, Gary! A quick scan shows "KOP102" offered at £2000 all in, but I think their chances of actually selling 108 for that price are slim. Probably half that, and how long would it take to sell? Pity there isn't a 'KOP ***' example here to go by:
If you can play a waiting game, make it clear the plate will not be transferred off the car, and that there is no value in something that is just sat there decaying to the point where neither car nor plate are saleable, you might still get it?
Good luck!


Cheers Col and Nik

Yes I made it clear that the VRN value us only realisable if it is attainable ie the car would need to get MOT'd or be inspected by the DVLA as a vehicle that can move under its own steam and be roadworthy. Clearly this is not possible in its current state, it is in a poor state (very) the engine will need a lot of work alone. So would some buy this car spend in excess of the VRN value just to sell the VRN, I think not.

I have no desire to purchase for the VRN's perceived desirability.

I wanted this as a long term project.

Still I will wait and see, I have made my offer, which I believe is fair considering the state of the car.

Clearly if this was an Ace etc it would sell easily, unfortunately or fortunately! it is the much misaligned 2 Litre Saloon.

But I hope that it will come my way eventually.



Ps so what is the desire for KOP*** is/was he a special player?
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Graham sorry about your failed pursuit. There's another with your name on it I am sure! Re the Kop or The Kop and Liverpool:

It relates to their fans and part of the stadium.


HI it's Gary not Graham :D

Ah non the wiser really re KOP as football and its fans are a different race as far as I am concerned.

It is a shame the the car may lose some of its heritage just so some football fan can have a 'personalised' VRN.

Still someone may want have a go at the car who also likes Liverpool.

I am sure if this was an ACE or Cobra some members would be up in arms, just shows how undervalued the 2 litres are by the club and others.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Here are some pics of the 2 litre locked away in the garage.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


The paint is flaking, all rubber shot, engine drained and dry. Got some more pics of chassis and lots of surface rust. All Chrome work will need doing.Still she has potential. Just a shame about the VRN debacle.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Gary I posted I thought but it didn't go through. Apologies on the name error. Must have been to late when I posted and I got my G names crossed up! Best of luck finding another viable candidate. My Buckland is close to being roadworthy!  Very excited about it.

Have a great weekend.


Still keeping my fingers crossed for you that they will 'get wise'.
Black makes them look quite austere, but I hope the ol' girl gets saved!