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Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: BEX 389
Last post by - September 25, 2024, 01:48:34
Today, the original oil filter assembly was reinstated, next one will be the fuel filter assembly.  In that light, can anyone recommend a close to original fuel hose.  I have attached a picture of the engine compartment of the Le Mans Roadster.

Thank you in advance for your replies,

PascalYou cannot view this attachment.

The attached may be of interest.

Angliss & Lubinsky were not the best of pals.

Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: Original Lodge HN Spark Pl...
Last post by B.P.Bird - September 22, 2024, 16:56:54
The Green Spark Plug company is my usual first option, but on this occasion they are shewing out of stock, however LS Engineering are in stock:

What are the plugs for out of interest? In any event hope that works for you
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Original Lodge HN Spark Plugs
Last post by mitchfloyd - September 22, 2024, 12:25:02
Hi, I am looking for new original Lodge HN spark plugs. Can anyone here suggest where I can get one? If it is to the original specs for an AC motor, that would be great. Thanks.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Rock and Roll
Last post by B.P.Bird - September 20, 2024, 21:03:03
Ace owners will be familiar with the anti torque damper fitted to limit the engine and gearbox rocking about in the chassis. Many car designs include something similar and indeed A.C. also used  damping devices on Acecas and Greyhounds. These  devices differed depending on engine and chassis variations.
On most Aces, with the Weller designed SOHC six and Moss gearbox, there are two brackets, one on each main chassis tube and a mounting pad on the under side of the bellhousing. A simple 'bridge' joins these points, using rubber insulating 'bobbins' on the chassis brackets. A simple and effective anti torque brace. So far so good, but later, in the last years of Ace production the A.C. Lightweight gearbox was introduced. This gearbox had a different, lighter, bellhousing and the mounting pad for the 'bridge' was deleted.
Question is how was the torque damping achieved ? Perhaps the halving of gearbox weight changed the dynamic and the 'rocking ' did not occur ? Perhaps stiffer engine mounts were specified ? All this seems unlikely and indeed, in the case of the Greyhound with CLBN A.C. engine and using the Lightweight gearbox, the damper is neatly reduced to two small 'snubbers' one each side of the cylinder head and anchored to each battery box. Of course it would be simple to look at a later production Ace with the lightweight gearbox and see the answer. Sadly such a beast has not  come my way in a couple of years of looking. I wonder if an owner of one of these later Aces (or late Aceca with Lightweight gearbox) could explain what the works fitted ?

I was just perusing the AC Cars website section on 'History' ( and see that there is a very large and obvious gap from 1973 where it then jumps to 1999!?

Effectively the whole Brian Angliss/Ford era is not mentioned.  I would have thought this to be a critical part of AC history given he was the one to bring back the AC Cobra from oblivion.  The descendants of that Cobra are now the cornerstone of the new AC Car company today.

Is there perhaps a 'political reason for this given Lubinsky (current owner) is the one who bought out Angliss after he went into receivership? Was there bad blood between them?
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: Help sourcing a couple of ...
Last post by B.P.Bird - September 17, 2024, 11:18:26
Dear Chris,
That little 'thumbwheel' which holds down the breather, or the breather blanking plate, on the Bristol valve rocker covers, is, as you say, different from the valve cover 'thumbwheels.' Here is an indistinct picture which shews them both. Being on LM5000 the ones holding down the rocker covers are the competition variety with the extra hex machined on the top. By the bye the competition version does not have a groove for the retaining circlip and my past practice, on my road cars, has always been to follow suit and omit the circlip. They serve no really useful purpose (being there to prevent careless loss during maintenance I suppose) but a dislodged circlip might have the potential to create internal carnage....

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You might find someone in the Bristol owners Club: who has a spare 'thumbwheel' which you could copy, they would be simple to machine, from memory the thread is 1/4" Whit.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: Help sourcing a couple of ...
Last post by Salmo - September 16, 2024, 19:42:26

Many thanks for your help and suggestions.

I have found the emulsion tube for sale at carburettor hospital Ltd. And the alloy nut from

I did see this set of alloy nuts on eBay but the one I was looking for has a thread all the way through whereas these are the nuts to hold the full rocker cover in place rather than the actual blanking/observation plate onto the rocker cover.

Thanks again for your help - very much appreciated.

All the best - Chris.