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Topics - B.P.Bird

Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / 1964 Oil Cooler
October 15, 2012, 23:57:57
Probably of no interest to any other members, but I thought I should mention it just in case some poor soul is on a quest: The original oil cooler on A98 (the one from the works spares kit that came back from le Mans, the other one, on the car, did not survive the crash) sprang a leak recently and is back with Serck, who made them in 1964. The leaks simply needed some new solder to unite the core with the the end tanks, but I have asked them, whilst they have it there, to make an exact copy so that there is a spare with the car again.
   The spare will be approximately £250 and I can ask for more to be made should anyone else be concerned with originality. The construction is brass. Very similar to the Delaney Gallay oil radiators Thames Ditton supplied for the competition Ace. The modern aluminium radiators are, maybe, superior, but the old A98 brass item has lasted 48 years and the oil runs at no more than 80°C so it cannot be that bad. Come to that the Delaney Gallay oil radiator on LM5000 is now 54 years old and I'm not sure an aluminium item would outlast that....
   There were other styles of hose unions used in period and I believe Gerry Hawkridge has reproduced these.
   In any event should anyone want a 1964 le Mans style oil radiator let me know.
Pleased to say that I have now used my recreated le Mans bulbs in anger. Albeit on the 1st of July at noon. Talk about High Summer.....
   Thanks due to CEAG in Yorkshire who went to all the trouble of building small batches of the headlamp and foglamp bulbs for me, using the old tungsten technology. They do work rather well.
   Picture is from Speedfest at Alford.
3000ME Forum / ME Factory Build Instructions
May 21, 2012, 11:34:09
Whilst delving about for an A.C. part, I'm sure I have somewhere dammit, I came across a set of works build instructions for the ME which I was given years ago. Very useful for the ME community, perhaps these are in circulation already ? In any event they cover chassis and gearbox build up and were issued as an aid memoire to the chaps at Thames Ditton and Twentieth Century Works who were erecting The ME. Rather than entrust them to the post (there are too many pages for a scan) I can bring them down to The International (sorry not going to make the visit to the former A.C. Scotland Works on Tuesday) maybe Brian Moseley could carry them South for circulation?
3000ME Forum / 3000ME Heated Windscreens
April 26, 2012, 22:45:55
I still have these heated screens for 3000ME and can bring them to Dunkeld in June if anyone wishes to take them south. They are of course foc within A.C.O.C. You will get them in a large estate car, but a bit heavy and bulky for our sporting machines
General Forum / le Mans Headlamps
March 22, 2012, 19:43:34
I wonder if there are any members still in possession of, or still using any original le Mans headlamps? I ask because my carefully hoarded stock of original Mazda le Mans bulbs, from Thames Ditton, is coming to an end and I have, perforce, had to look at having another batch made. To my astonishment there is a company in Yorkshire called CEAG who can still produce tungsten bulbs, as fitted to A.C.s in the fifties and sixties, before the halogen revolution took place. Of course most members will have converted to more modern lights or converted their old lights to modern bulbs, however there may be someone out there determined, like me, to keep things original. The le Mans bulbs are very special with 100 watt filaments and a 2" glass envelope which in turn needs the special le Mans reflector with a big enough aperture to get this large bulb mounted. The other bulbs available are a normal size headlamp 48/48 watt and a spotlamp/foglamp 48 watt. All of these use a BPF cap and will fit the appropriate original Lucas reflector. The last two types are available from specialists like Holden, but CEAG are much more competitive on price. I am very pleased because these three bulbs are the ones carried by LM5000 and A98. Should this be of any help to other members please email me and I will put you in touch with CEAG   of