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Messages - CLD

Recent ACs / AC MkVI
August 02, 2014, 16:59:16
Originally posted by Chafford
Originally posted by TLegate
Maybe they mature the thing like a fine wine. On the other hand......

   Has your Mk VI been delivered yet?

   Negotiations underway.
   Hoping to report progress soon.
Recent ACs / AC MkVI
June 06, 2014, 23:04:58
Useful info on cars available - thank you
Recent ACs / AC MkVI
June 05, 2014, 12:24:29
Perhaps cheese rather than wine is a good analogy - reading through the full thread does seem vaguely reminiscent of a certain Monty Python sketch.
   I'm not the most perceptive type but I think even I can pick up on the underlying message that May delivery didn't happen. I hope it does soon as the car looks very nice indeed.
   A MKIV may well be the best way for a newbie to enter the world of AC so sound advice. Thank you.
Recent ACs / AC MkVI
June 04, 2014, 23:53:23
Originally posted by jbottini
Howi is your level of tolerance.

   Now you mention it I do sound more and more like Victor Meldrew each day.
   I suppose the upside of a lengthy production cycle is that its easier to prevaricate over my wife's refurbishment plans when there isn't a new AC parked out front.
Recent ACs / AC MkVI
June 04, 2014, 15:33:58
   I am rather late to the AC party but my aim is to try and get my hands on a car with  a touch of "driveable" AC authenticity  so  struggling with the philosophical question of whether to aim for something original(ish) that I can "drive like I stole it" (phrase shamelessly hijacked from another thread), an ACheritaqe continuation build or throw caution to the wind and embrace the brave new world of the MK VI.
   So in terms of the last option I am very curious as to how your MK VI project is getting on.
   I am too late to share your pain but I'd love to be able to piggy back off your success!