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Messages - nick Godridge

I think its time to disassemble it, and see what turns up.
   THank you all for your ideas.
   Nick G
Thanks to NIKbj for his help.
   Hopefully the pics will prompt the answer I am seeking.
Hi, can somebody at ACOC please make it simple to add pictures. When I hit the 'add image' button all I get is (IMG) appearing in the text box.
   The help window associated with the 'add image' button is completely unintelligible to me.
   I would very much like to post pics related to this thread, but am unable to figure it out. Maybe I am the only one, but I doubt that.
   Nick G
Thx for your reply John, but regretably not. Mine has a rounded profile with a single stalk out of the right hand side with the key switch on the left.
Have tried the Mannering examples and they fit my early car, although  a smaller diameter than originals they are quite high.
   I am waiting samples of the Dorman versions. don't expect to have them before Xmas.
   Nick G
Thank you for your responses.
   Have ordered some samples from both suppliers.
   Will report back.
   Nick G
Recent ACs / Optimum water temperature
October 22, 2016, 09:39:13
I am sure you will be aware of this, but, just in case;-
   Kenlkowe do a range of Extreme high performance fans with built in shrouds, that shift a lot of air. You can find on their website
   ( aat the bottom of the page, a very helpful product comparison chart which shows the dimensions and throughput for each model up to 17" o.d. This model shifts over 4000cfm, although,it does draw a lot of amps.
   Nick G
Hi, Graham, can you please expand on your comment about draining the oil filter and thermostatic?
   I would like to know  why those things matter.
   Nick g
FYI, and just to add additionsal fuel to the fire, mine has ACAutokraft as maker, and nothing in the  model field.
   Nick G
I have 275 rear and 225 front for what its worth.
Interesting wiring info Flying Horse.
   Will check it out against my car tomorrow.
   Nick G
Thx for reply Westcott
Good stuff.
   Thankyou Westcott.
   Nick G
Thx Westcott. Thats what I call an answer.
   Nick G
My car was factory fitted with Eagles, 255/60/15 rear and 215/60 front.
   Now on Avons for 2 years 275/60/15 rear and 225/60 front.
   Car has no binding issues, but, is set up as it left the factory, and not to look like a racer.
   Agree car needs to be used regulalry to avoid flats. The tyres use what is basically a race compound so v. soft.
   Do not expect more than 7k miles.
   Best of luck
   Nick G