
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Messages - Kay Hafner

The whole story of COB 6036 had been discussed and clearly documented over many years. The facts remain always the same and I hope that the current owner Joachim von Beust has not to justify and defend himself again and again for having the original car with a proven history.
   It is not possible and legal , that someone is repairing his car (in this case at Autocraft) in good faith , the car is returned to his owner without the replaced parts (not unusual), someone else is buying/keeping illegally these parts and another one is selling these parts/frame (illegally) later to someone, who is constructing an "original" car 25 years after the repair and is now trying (illegally) to claim that this car is the right car- the line of owners (Gosheron>Johnson>Thaine>Wolff>Specht>Hafner>Beust)and continuous history is abolutely clear and with no doubt, so I would recommend that Steve Gray is enjoying his car without trying again to change the history of the car to his favour. History and facts cant be changed and there will be always cars , which have more or less original parts depending on the repairs or accidents they had during their life (and Autocraft at that time came to conclusion that the burnt chassis was not usable anymore...) I am now enthusiasted with Cobras for over 25 years and I am happy that dedicated experts like Robin or Ned Scudder are always helping us in having the right view on the history. We should always stick to facts and in this case they are very clear.And we should respect real ownership and history.
   Greetings From Germany
   Dr.Kay Hafner