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Messages - DaveW124

I was able to contact Bill Carter the owner of BEX 136 and he has communicated with me that he still has the car and that it was fully restored back in 1995.  I have sent him this site and so he will probably be contacting it. He is more than happy for me to come up to his place and to take me for another ride in it.  I will be taking my camera and hope to get some good pics of BIll and the car and one of me in it as well.  I will be the one with the ear to ear grin on his face.  He told me that he actually used his bristol to take him and his wife out to British Columbia from Toronto Ontario (approximately 3,000 miles) on their honeymoon back in 1959.
   I hope to get more interesting history on the car so as to be able to update the register.
   Thanks to those of you who helped me out with this quest. It has been an exciting time.
   Port Stanley, Ontario Canada
   I was just this evening able to find some info on WS Carter the owner of BEX131.  It appears that he is still alive and living in his longtime residence in my old hometown.  I will attempt to contact him and if I am successful I will be in touch with any update he may be able to provide.
The above thread should say - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.  Sort of forgot I was posting to an International forum.
General Forum / Original or long time owners
July 27, 2013, 22:42:43
I am curious as to how many original AC owners are out there and/or who are those who have owned their cars the longest.  I know that Bill Carter in Canada has owned his AC Bristol since 1957 - that's 56 years.
   London, Ontario Canada
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Reunited with Bex 136
September 16, 2011, 16:04:19
As I mentioned in a previous post I was trying to hunt down an AC Ace Bristol that I had been taken for a ride in late 60's when I was a teenager.  Well with the help of this forum I was able to locate the car, still with the same owner and was able to go for a ride in it.  It was just as I had remembered - such a beautiful growl. Here are few detail that may be important for the registry.  The car, which was originally off white was repainted by the original owner because wife hated white.  It was painted red at that time and has remained red ever since even when restored back in the 90's.  The present owner has had the car since 1957 and replaced the original engine in the early years of ownership due to internal damage. The present engine is 100 D2 #1128.  Bill Carter, the owner has made a few modifications to the car over the years including some frame rail reinforcements around the doors and some integrated rain gutters behind the seats in order to channel the rain away from going down the back of the cockpit behind the seats.
   I have some pictures of the car but am not sure how to post pics here (they are quite large pics) so if I can send them along to someone else on this site who could post them for me that would be great.  The present owner is Bill Carter of Waterloo Ontario and his email is  He said that it is fine for the register to contact him for further details and history of the car.
   Thanks again for everyones help in helping me to once again find this car and to fulfill a longtime dream to once again experience the thrill of it all.
   Dave Wilson
   Port Stanley, Ontario, Canada
Dear Bristol owners,
   Back when I was in my early teens (turn 60 on my next birthday) I was taken for a ride in an AC bristol and that ride made such an impact upon me that it has stuck with even to this day. Since that one ride the AC Bristol became my all-time favourite car. In thinking about a bucket list (no I am not dying, at least not that I know of) and I thought it would be great to be able to see that car once again or to even go for a ride in it so I thought I would ask those on this forum if they know where it resides these day.  I don't want to infringe on any privacy issues but the Car was located in Waterloo Ontario (on Shakespeare Drive) and was owned at that time by Bill Carter.  I had stopped by to see it a few times over the years but have lost track of him and the car.
   Does anyone know now owns that car?  If so I would love to hear from the person who owns it and maybe see it again or better yet go for a ride in it.
   Thanks for any and all information and assistance.