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Messages - aCMXCVIIIer

One issue regarding Halibrands I haven't seen mentioned is that they are pin drive which would require modifying your hubs.  I think you would be better off with center lock hub wheels.  One possible option might be American Mags, which were an option on some Cobras assuming any are still available.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / -
October 22, 2014, 22:39:41
It appears my response to SJ351's post caused some confusion and
   misunderstanding.  As a result, I've decided to expand on my response.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / -
October 20, 2014, 04:44:23
I think a little clarification is needed regarding the previous post- Sunbeam Tigers and small-block Shelby Cobras (260, 289) used the same clutch slave.  The source is Sunbeam Specialties.
   Sunbeam Specialties Auto Parts
   P.O. Box 771 Los Gatos, CA
   (408) 371-1642
   (408) 371-8070 (FAX)
   765 McGlincey Lane
   Campbell, CA 95008
I had them on my Cobra's Girling brake calipers and clutch slave for years with no complains to date.  They're readily available at most car parts stores here in the US and reasonably priced.
TLegate "I must say those fifty-year old Cobras do shine up nice, don't they?"
   Especially the "Coupés"!
   Thanks for posting the pictures of the original Ace and Aceca knockoffs.  They appear to be quite similar to the ones for Cobras, and not like the British Wire Wheel repros.  By the way, the pictures Keith refers to are the ones from CXS2282 I supplied to Eara.
   Another reason I was wondering about the BWW arrow and text styling was because of a picture I have of a supposedly original Dunlop Aston Martin 3 winged knockoff.  The arrow and text on it appears to be very similar to the one on the BWW repros.  Maybe someone out there can verify this?
Ah, this brings up something I've been wondering about for awhile.  Let me start by requesting that someone with a set (left side, right side) of original Ace knockoffs post top side pictures of them.  For reference, the Cobra knockoffs and pictures supplied to Eara Merritt as patterns for remanufacturing are originals from CSX2282, which I've owned since 1966.
   In the 1990s I purchased a set of replacements from British Wire Wheel here in the US.  While they are of good quality, some of the inscribed text on them doesn't match that on the originals.  I'm not sure whether the reproducer just took some liberties with the text or if it matched some other AC model, like an Ace or Aceca.  While I've found plenty of Ace and Aceca pictures on this forum and on the internet, I haven't found one with enough resolution to get a good close up of one of their knockoffs.
I have both a Gunson Eeezibleed and a Mityvac and much prefer the Eezibleed.  While I don't have a Superblower I have used both on my Cobra and found the Mityvac awkward and often hard to determine when all of the air had been bled from the system because of the air bubbles that get sucked past the bleeder valve.  Bleeders with check valves help a bit, but some air still gets by.  Another advantage of the Eezibleed is that it's easier to monitor the fluid level in the reservoir because it's being filled from a clear external bottle.  That said, there are some cautions to be aware of when using the Eezibleed.  The instructions say to pressurize up to a maximum of 20 psi.  I once did 20 psi and blew fluid past the cap all over the engine compartment.  I recommend a much lower pressure to start with.  Another precaution I take is to pretest without filling the bottle to verify that there are no air leaks at whatever pressure is used.  The instructions also suggest using your spare tire as a pressure source.  That's probably preferable to using a compressor, but if you don't like having to fiddle with your spare, you might want to make an alternative pressure source.  I made one out of a cheap garden sprayer that I purchased at a local garden supply store.  Just MVHO.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Colorado Tour
October 08, 2013, 05:50:40
So Brendan I take you've found chains that aren't obstructed by the rear brake calipers?  I guess chain design technology has greatly improved since my futile attempt at installing them on my Cobra 4+ decades ago.  At the time the only alternative I could found that cleared them were individual cables that wrapped around the tires and were secured to the wheels between the spokes.  I only used them when I got stuck, usually in some unpaved parking area, then immediately removed them once clear.  The Salisbury POWR-LOK differential worked surprisingly well on icy roads.  After all these years one incident still stands out in my feeble memory.  I was driving in an ice covered parking area up a slight incline.  A woman was driving some unknown brand sedan in the opposite direction and was spinning her wheels and sliding all over the place.  I easily maneuvered around her and got to my desired destination with no loss of traction.  No chains, cables or spikes!
   Since then I have been living in sunny California and chains and the like have become a non issue.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Colorado Tour
October 07, 2013, 22:18:50
Brendan has obviously never attempted to install tire chains on a Cobra!
My hope was that the self gifted present of a new, correct gas cap for my Cobra would arrive in time to celebrate my January 2012 birthday.  So much for that.  What are the odds for my 2013 B-day?  Anyone?
Looks like the ones on my Cobra.  I believe they are the same as for a T-series MG.  TF maybe?
Some assembly required!