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Messages - davek

Hi All
   I hope that somebody can help me. My wife recently lost her Mother and on clearing the house out we came across an old 2 litre AC handbook which was bought by my Father-in-Law for a second hand AC that he bought in 1960. My wife remembers it quite well and I would like to find out if anybody has any record of the vehicle. It was a 2 tone blue and she is convinced that it was a 4 door. The registration number was FBE 718 and the chassis number was UMB946. There is another number hand written in the book which is BER7551, but I'm not sure if this is a phone number.
   I have enjoyed reading through the book just out of interest for old things, but I wonder if the book may be useful to somebody who has an AC. The book is about A5 size, red soft cover very much like an excercise book. It has the AC emblem in black on the front and the title is 'General Instructions' Series Three. It has 68 pages plus the index. It has general information plus enough to virtually carry out any repair. It was bought in 1960 and there is a receipt in the book for £1 from AC Cars, High Street, Thames Ditton, Surrey.
   My wife wants to keep the book for sentimental reasons, but I am quite happy to make copies (f.o.c) for anyone who would like a copy.
   If you can help with any information on the car owned by my Father-in-Law or of you would like a copy of the handbook, please email me on