
SMF - installed December 2017.
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No the Bristol engine didn't stay with the car.  The engine number was 100 D2 525.  It had the 9.5 to one Pistons and was a reasonable engine.  However as a daily driver summer and winter it was a bit temperamental, and with the power band only coming in at 3000 revs not the best car to drive in heavy traffic.  I initially got involved with an engineer to do the work, highly recommended turned out to be a waste of space.  Never completed the work I wanted him to do.  As far as I remember the engine was sold to somebody called McPherson who raced a Cooper Bristol.  Originally paid £350 for 4BPG in 1968.  They were just old cars then that young impecunious folk like myself could have fun with.Phil Mc
great pictures of 4 BPG BE173.  I owned it for 14 years from 1968 to 1982.  I used it as my everyday car for about eight years and have many happy memories.  It had never been raced when I bought it.  It was originally owned by Cars biscuits in Carlisle.  I got fed up with the Bristol engine.  There were a couple of cars with Daimler 2 1/2 liter V-8's however that engine was very broad and would have meant chopping the foot wells.  I eventually fitted an Alfa Romeo 2 litre engine.  Chassis build in Wedensbury put in the new engine mounts straightened the chassis and put some strengthening in the sills and floor.The cross member for the alfa gearbox fitted perfectly with a couple of small brackets.  The whole car felt perfectly balanced and went very well.  I understand it was raced after I sold it.  I won't tell you what I originally paid for it and sold it for.  They were happy days and a lot of fun.
I would be happy to take my AC 2 L saloon along to Goodwood weekend August 13-15.  I live in Portsmouth so not too far.  Do I need to contact anybody?