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Messages - PaulSpencer

General Forum / Sociable Carburettor
June 30, 2010, 19:44:35
Thanks John. I have not only discovered that it is a Brown and Barlow, but someone has given me a link off list to information and a handbook. Not that this has helped much given my limited understanding. None of the pictures show the lever at the bottom either, so I suspect this is a modification (although it doesn't look like it). For anyone else interested, the link is
General Forum / AC Sociable Questions
February 14, 2010, 16:01:02
Well, I got the car slightly later than I had hoped, but it is now here and filling the triangular space I had in my garage. So far, I have just been for one run. I still have a couple of questions:
   1. The handbook mentions lubricating the clutch cone. There is a bolt in the cone cover. I assume I remove that and lubricate through the hole. What with, how much and how often?
   2. The handbook mentions an "extra air lever". I don't seem to have one. What I do have is a broken cable at the top of the carburettor with a clamp holding it fully up. Is this what should be connected to the non-existent lever? Can anyone send photos to show me what it should all look like?
General Forum / AC Sociable Questions
February 04, 2010, 14:07:34
Hi John,
   Great to hear from you. Yes, I have bought it. I arranged insurance this morning, and am just about to transfer the money. Hope to collect over the weekend. Do you have pictures of yours? It would be interesting to see how others look.
   I would love to hear from any other owners, especially from the UK.
The other day I decided to start a web site for Auto-Carriers and A.C. Sociables. The intention is to track down as many vehicles as possible, record details of them and also provide resources for owners. The web site is very much under development, but the current version is at
   If anyone knows of unlisted vehicles that fit the bill, or has more information on those I have already listed, I would be really pleased to hear from them. Either here or through email via the web site.
   I have separately emailed Colin Dunn.
   Paul Spencer
General Forum / Champagne Classic July 3
May 14, 2011, 19:14:38
Just a reminder for an event I am organising on July 3rd in the Cotswolds (Kingham, Oxfordshire). People are very welcome to just bring a car or you can book the Champagne reception and lunch. Details are at // Advance booking is essential for the lunch. Even if you are not having lunch, it would help us greatly if you booked in advance (free of charge) as this is our first event and an idea of numbers is useful. This also ensures that your car will appear in the programme. I can be contacted through the web site if you have any questions.
   Apart from the cars, we have a jazz band, wandering magician, duck herding, art show and other entertainment.
   I will have my AC Sociable there. All ACs welcome!
   Paul Spencer
Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / AC Sociable Tyres
March 28, 2011, 21:57:28
I need to replace the front tyres on my Sociable. The current ones are Dunlop Cord Motorcycle Extra Heavy 26x3. I can't find these for sale. Does anyone have a source or a suggestion for an alternative?
General Forum / Sociable Carburettor
June 29, 2010, 20:24:04
I have a couple of questions about the carb on my 1912(?) Sociable. This is a picture of the bottom of it:
   Does anyone know what the lever at the bottom does and how to adjust it?
   I assume the broken (and clamped) cable should lead to the "extra air" lever that I don't have. Does anyone have pictures and a description of how this should be connected? My current plan is just to use a modern choke cable, which will work backwards (in to start, out when running). Any comments?
   The pictures aren't showing in the preview. If they are not showing for you, they can be seen at
General Forum / AC Sociable Questions
January 30, 2010, 13:08:36
I am currently looking at an AC Sociable, and have a few questions I am hoping someone can help me with.
   1. There is a rectangular block on the floor just to the left of the brake pedal. It looks like something original, and I was wondering what it is. Something to do with the brake ratchet?
   2. Is there an easy way to check that both of the ignition circuits are working? It is only something I thought of after I came away from looking at the car, so I can't get at it easily to see.
   3. There are clips that hold the front down. It looks like the front used to hinge (for easy access?) or lift off, but has been permanently fixed. Anyone know what it should be like?
   4. And finally - prices. Anyone know what they have been going for recently? This is a very original looking car. New upholstery some years ago, but certainly not an over-restored trailer queen.
   Even more finally - I live in Chipping Norton, Oxon. Any other owners near here?
   Thanks for any help, and I look forward to joining the club and meeting fellow owners if I buy the car.