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Messages - geoff leigh

Hello Anthony, put me down for 2 head spanners please.
   I have already gone down the route of having a mould made, and have sold over half a dozen to club members with no complaints.and my own Aceca has a nice new one fitted too.
   If any body wants one just e-mail me at
   Thanks for the info.
   I will see what happens.
Not sure about the Ace having a tool roll, I know for certain that the Greyhound had a tool tray fitted, although mine had a cut out for the plug spanner which the Aceca does not have.
   The tool tray will be an exact replica,of a 58 Aceca Bristol  and I only need a few more owners to reserve one, then I will place an order, (minimum batch)
   It was a bit like this when I needed a rear screen for the Aceca in the end I ended up having those made, and sold quite a few to members of the acoc and also have a nice clear one in my own car.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Aceca Glass
February 19, 2008, 22:21:57
I , have had a mould made from the rear perspex screen of my Aceca,a  batch of seven were made & sold without any problems.
   If any body in the club is interested, I will be having some more done shortly.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / E-Bay listings
August 18, 2009, 21:35:14
I have listed a few items on E-bay , they might be worth a look to AC owners
   Item Number 250484662123 and then look at sellers other listings
The new Tool Trays for the Aceca Bristol , have now been ordered, and a new Batch of rear screens for the Aceca are being made.
   If any one else requires one, then e-mail me at
   and I will add you to the list.
Iam thinking of having a batch of tool boards made up for the Bristol engined ACE& ACECA, , they will work out at about £65 sterling each ( no tools included).Is any body interested ?