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Messages - 2 Litre Ian

12 years late, but I have a likely answer! The reason carbs need to boost richness when the throttle is suddenly opened, seems widely misunderstood. With closed throttle and low manifold pressure, most/all the fuel is vapourised. When you open the throttle, the pressure rise causes fuel to condense onto the manifold, briefly starving the engine of fuel. Hence a need to enrich momentarily. The more cylinders a carb supplies, the greater this need. AC's carbs only supply 2 cylinders each, so only a small amount of carb damping is needed. Fuel quantity through an SU jet depends on both pressure and needle position, so although the piston/needle are kept low for a moment, the fuel flow is relatively high due to the pressure above the jet. There is some damping in these early carbs, as air is forced through the tiny hole in the cap.
Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / Re: AC 2 litre
December 08, 2021, 20:55:16
Seals Direct do a screen seal that matches my original 1949 seal, part code AT2002.


Well done, you've found the former BCW 113 as described by Tom, now with no brass chassis plate. I once helped someone who purchased a 2 Litre that had a fake brass plate. Always best to check the number stamped on the front cross-member (right-hand side).
That's a good point, Tom. The interiors are largely different. Potential buyers need to check the chassis number as stamped on the front cross-member.

If you examine the details of both cars, they have identical number-plate fonts, same faded reflectors (different positions), similar rear view mirror, same style battery, top hose and open oil breathers. Side and tail lamps are mounted in exactly the same positions (they were very random on ACs!).

Yet the interior of the grey one looks less restored (different colour) and the rear AC badge is different, and no wing mirrors. Very odd!
