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Messages - Clive Austin

Thanks.  I've just pulled this off the Borla site.  Has anyone used any of these three designs?  First one looks like it keeps out the most dirt but perhaps robs the most performance? Also maybe marginal on bonnet clearance.  Last one looks best imo but not sure how it performs.  Thoughts and expereinces much appreciated.
And then these are the latest acquisition. Borla throttle bodies with Holly ECU by Jim Inglese.  Ideas on filters much appreciated.  I gather foam options can kill the 8 stack power and, more worryingly, can lead to fires.
Can anyone advise on posting pics?  I tried including an image link from Onedrive but it didn't appear in the post? The only way I can seem to do it is via attachments which are bit clunky.  In the meantime, here's a few attachments of "before" and some of the engine "ingredients".

I'm bored of lockdown so thought I'd start a thread on here about my engine change.

I bought AK1318, the one off MKIV Lightweight prototype back in October 2019.  Many of you have been very helpful in helping me pull the history of the car together and this is hugely appreciated.  The car was originally fitted with a 428CJ FE engine rather than a 427 s.o.  Not entirely sure why but hey ho.  Thunder Road had undertaken quite a bit of fettling on the car since I bought it so I asked them to pull the engine out for me to rebuild during winter and lockdown.  All was going well until a chap I had entrusted the block to for cleaning dropped the block and cracked it.  Not good. After a financial settlement and much thought, I decided to step up from a 428 to a 427 side oiler.  Much further thought regarding original vs aftermarket steel vs aftermarket Aluminium and I eventually decided to source an original steel 60's side oiler block from the US.  Also to stick with an original forged steel $ crank.

Even that wasn't straight forward - one block which was supposedly "mint" arrived only to find that it had two sleeves - so it went back. Second time lucky however and I am now the proud owner of a virtually unused original late 60's side oiler block.  I have also found an original $ crank which has been hot rodded to 3.98" stroke. Combined with a hone to the first oversize (+017) this should produce a 454ci FE side oiler.

I am going for period look where possible but modern performance.  As such, FE guru Blair Patrick is preparing a set of custom CNC "Pro-Port" heads and carburation expert Jim Inglese (who worked on the original Cobras back in the day) has supplied a Webber-esque 8 stack injection system to sit on top of them.

The only downside is timing.  Apparently there is a global shortage of cam cores and mine requires a custom grind.  The earliest this will be available is end April meaning that the engine probably won't be back in the UK until end May and back in the car until end June.

Very much looking forward to that however  :)

If I can work out how to insert images, I'll post pics as we get progress but for now I'm afraid it's mostly "before" plus a few pictures of "bits" as I've got hold of them.
Way back when I had an MGB I had a light weight cockpit shower cover that fitted over the windscreen and cockpit to protect it through a shower without putting the full roof up.  A sort of "pac-a-mac" for cars.  Being light weight, it packed away into a small bag and took up virtually no room in the boot.  Has anyone come across anything similar for Cobras?  Tricky given the roll bar but not beyond the imagination of a suitable manufacturer - even if it was a custom cover.  Has anyone come across such a thing?



Just to let members know I was emailed today by a guy purporting to have a MKIV Lightweight for sale. I am no longer looking for one but in case he is approaching others he looked like be a scammer so thought I'd repost this. Caveat Emptor.

On 25 Nov 2019, at 13:40, info techtrading <> wrote:


I need to sell the vehicle urgently

If you are interested make a genuine deal with me now because I am not ready to waste time.

Come or I arrange delivery

I have a problem clear with funds that is why I am selling the vehicle.

Let me know if you are ready to make a deal? 

Waiting for response

Mr. Mahmoud
I haven't received my ACtion yet.  Can anyone message me with the discount code?


ACOC News and Events / Re: Le Mans Classic 2020
November 05, 2019, 18:03:23
I have only just bought my car so can only now respond. If not too late, I would be very interested in a club trip but probably needing to travel Friday eve rather than Thursday.
Have you got any further with this initiative - keen to support.
There seems to be a dearth of cars on the market at the moment and so I remain "Cobraless". Any help in rectifying the situation would be much appreciated if you have / know of someone who has a car potentially for sale.

Many thanks and best regards.

General Forum / Re: Cobras at Prescott
August 14, 2019, 19:22:09
I've raced there for the last few years (sadly not in a Cobra as I still haven't found a lightweight) and it's a great "end of term" event with a fun atmosphere.  Prescott is a very nice venue too having had some considerable investment in recent years.  Highly recommended.
The car isn't on the main web site.  It's not clear from the Face Book picture but it looks like a standard long nose MKIV rather than a LW. I spoke to Neil earlier today and he didn't mention he had a LW coming in.   
Thanks but think it's a "previously sold".
The AKL 1353 is a well known car restored to a very high standard by Dragon Wheels - Alan Faulkner Stevens - ex MKIV registrar.  I think was sold just before I started my search.  However, if anyone has it for sale then please get in touch.

Post comment update: I've spoken to the dealer in the advert on Pistonheads re AKL1353.  It didn't sell so the owner ended up part exchanging it against something else.  He's not sure where the car ended up but it would be good to find it.
Having just read your post more carefully, the last one sold in the Uk was by Silverstone auctions at their NEC Auction early this year. Reported price £139.5k including premium but not VAT (on their web site). £142k in total. Vendor would have received c£117k at this level net of sales commission - a poor outcome for him / her it would seem. I have other data points but these have been passed to me privately so happy to share off line on same basis. The above are RHD cars. LHD have been generally trading at a discount to this. I am aware of two LWs on the market at present - one RHD and one LHD. Happy to discuss these if it would help.