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Messages - DGoose

Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Re: Door Trim
March 12, 2024, 11:42:41
Spot on PAHO

No screws in the armrests on my car and be careful not to pull or kink the cable from the door release, if this cable is left connected to the interior handle do support the door card/trim rather than leave it hanging by the cable.

Window runners and scissor mechanism are Sierra Mk1 (Front) and new plastic type guide wheels are available if required, if not greased they can break up.
All will be apparent when door card/trim is removed, simple job and slots back in far more easily than anticipated.

ACOC News and Events / Dinner & Awards Evening
March 12, 2024, 11:28:51
We have a few last minutes slots available for this year's Dinner & Awards Evening, Saturday 23rd March.

If interested please let me know by Thursday, for full details and contact information please see February ACtion.

Best regards,


General Discussion / Happy Christmas
December 24, 2023, 11:12:32
Happy Christmas,

Just a quick thank you to members and prospective members who take time to contribute to this forum, I'll find time in the New Year to post an update or two on club activities including a progress report on our new website and the club events planned for 2024 but in the meantime I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year.

Have a good one.

Best wishes,


ACOC News and Events / Santa Pod 14th October
October 12, 2023, 15:22:21
ACOC participation at the 14th October RWYB has been cancelled, RWYB still going ahead but no official AC area.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Sorry to see you go Gary, hopefully you will be back sometime. 

A couple of things I will point out for the benefit of current and future Members alike.

Assuming that CPR&G should read RP&G (Registrar Policies and Guidance) this document is published within the members area of this website along with the Articles of Association, a listing of Club Officers and the Accounts. You will also find this years AGM papers if interested.

Less than a third of of the club's council / committee members own 1960's Cobra or Ace models, fortunately there are many far more affordable AC's for us mere mortals to cherish and enjoy.

Best for the future,


Thelma has asked that I post the following details on the forum.

Service Date Thursday 11th May
Service Time 2.00pm
Service Viewing Time 1.56pm-3.34pm

Username luvu9396
Password 836453

Franks funeral will also be able to be watched from Thursday 18th May until Tuesday 20th June using the same login details.
ACOC News and Events / Re: ACOC Sprint
April 14, 2023, 17:31:17
Hi Gary,

The last track day proposed by a member didn't get sufficient support to proceed unfortunately, times may have changed and it may be worth another go if we can find an organiser ?

Watch out for the next ACtion, details and dates for the Santa Pod which is RWYB so not expensive to enter and no Motor Sport UK hoops to jump through as far as clothing and licence.You may need a crash helmet and arm restraints dependant on type of car and as you say, no cost liability to the club.
Importantly this day can be structured as a competitive event with officially timed runs so we can still award our Sprint trophies, sadly a track day wouldn't enable us to do that.

Provided we get ten cars or more (competitors and spectators) we can have a dedicated area for the ACOC, if you need more info before your magazine arrives ping me a message and I look forward to seeing you and the "Ol Girl" in October if not before.

All the best,

Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Re: Roof hydraulic rams
January 06, 2023, 15:06:33

Happy New Year,

My assumption would be the rams come from the Peugeot 306 cabriolet, same as the pump, but can't be 100% sure as haven't compared them.
I can find pumps for sale on Ebay but I can't find any rams listed for visual comparison with those used on the Ace.

General Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas
December 23, 2022, 11:58:04
Happy Christmas,

2022 has not been the smoothest of years for the ACOC with several changes and a few challenges but all in all the club is in good shape, we have the right people doing the right jobs to see us through.
The calendar for 2023 is coming together nicely with the core events already in place and others at an early stage so should be plenty for members to get involved with, keep an eye on ACtion for latest news and updates.

Have a great Christmas and wishing you a Happy New year.

Best regards,

Thanks Gary, you too.

General Discussion / Re: Buyer beware
December 20, 2022, 15:18:34
Hi Thomas,

I think its fair to say that AC's are not immune from the attentions of those wishing to profit from the sale or restoration (or both) of classic cars and sadly problems can occur with any vehicle, as we all know its the way a problem is dealt with that sets the good guys apart from the bad !

I'm glad we've been able to communicate privately.

Best regards,

You've shot me down again Gary, I'll keep quiet.
Thank you for the clarification on dates Gary.

I would still suggest that celebration of significant Anniversaries would, as a rule, be initiated by owners or the registrar.
In the past we have used our national day to focus attention on a specific model, obviously we have missed that for this year but how about next ?


Hi Gary,

Shoot me down if I'm wrong but I believe the first 2ltr was late 1946 so we've missed the boat !

More often than not celebrations of specific model anniversaries are instigated by the owners of, or registrar for, whichever model it may be. Although someway off the 80th anniversary of the 2Ltr model in 2026 would be a terrific thing to celebrate.

Anniversaries to consider next year are for both post war Ace models 1953 & 1993 - any others please shout.

Offer of assistance with Le Mans classic appreciated and responded to privately.

All the best,


 I received a bunch of magazines today for distribution to our Advertisers so would expect that yours will arrive within the next day or so.

A bumper copy with great articles and cracking photography, well done Terry and all those involved.