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Messages - J Jones

428 Frua Forum / AC Frua Restoration Part 2
February 22, 2016, 07:14:43
I've watched Emmanuel's car get renewed over the years, and was gradually taken with the idea of doing a full restoration of my car. I was pretty positive my car was in very good, sound condition - but paint and putty could have been hiding some expensive surprises.
   I'm glad to say that's NOT the case with CFX29, however.
   It's really in great shape, as I had hoped!
   Surprisingly little rust or repairs, all the steel is sound!
   And Andy's factory records are clearly correct - The original paint is a nice metallic green and in remarkably good condition!
   So au revoir "resale red", and back to it's original color (most likely).
   When our two cars are done, they'll be as new! (better, really).
428 Frua Forum / AC 428 Convertible For Sale
November 10, 2015, 07:18:16
I'd like to suggest Jim Feldman as a possible source of information about this car.
   Jim is a very well known AC collector and restorer. He is a club member, but does not contribute to the Forum, prefering to communicate by mail and telephone. He has, or had (I believe) an example of EVERY automobile AC ever made. He really knows his stuff!
   He lives in Portland, Oregon, about 50 miles from Salem where this car was located in the Ebay offering (above). Jim has 2 428's - Coupe and Convertible.
   Jim used to advertise the ACOC in Hemmings Motor News, as the President of the American branch of the Club. It was through him that I learned of the existence of the ACOC.
428 Frua Forum / AC 428 Convertible For Sale
November 02, 2015, 06:03:57
To be a little more direct, I was told Fantasy Junction took the car to settle a debt, and then promptly sold it on for an amount sufficient to retire the amount due. Sounds reasonable, and I think it may well be true.
428 Frua Forum / AC 428 Convertible For Sale
November 01, 2015, 19:46:10
CFX 37 was formerly Bruce Milners car, a Pebble Beach winner when he owned it.
   Emmanuel and I saw the car at the subsequent owners facility. The car was gorgeous.
   He didn't want to sell at that time. Something must have changed his mind...
428 Frua Forum / Exhaust manifold
October 01, 2015, 04:14:57
Reviving this old topic, Emmanuel and myself are planning to have new headers fabricated by Mike McCluskey's shop.
   Anyone interested?
428 Frua Forum / CF 43 sold
May 02, 2015, 20:02:12
Hi Paul!
   Beautiful example!
   Do you know what the selling price was?
   I consulted your Register and Archive, and at this point, this new information has not yet been posted. The most recent post for CF 43 was in 2012.
   Are you still maintaining the Register, or have you turned it over to someone else? (Andy Shepherd?)
428 Frua Forum / Coupe rear window sealing
April 03, 2015, 06:38:09
Thanks for your effort, Seigfried. Unfortunately,  the invoice is not clear enough to see any of the information it contains.
   I will be interested to hear if the rubber profile (whatever that is) works when you re-install your glass.
   Good luck!
   Jeff Jones
428 Frua Forum / Coupe rear window sealing
March 29, 2015, 19:39:58
Re: Good news for all who need rubber replacements: I can report back that I got the rear window sealing as well as sealings for the vent windows and they all fitted well, i.e. I will get my car back on the road shortly.
   Excellent news, Robert!
   When you corresponded with "them" (, did you ask for a rear window, and vent window seal for a Frua fastback? Did they even know what a 428 Frua is?
   I would love to know if the glass was sourced from another car - it would make finding replacements much easier.
   The club does have a small supply of glass for the 428's. Maybe they would have the glass you're looking for. OR, if we could discover the original source of the glass bits, make it easier for everyone. Monteverdi? Alfa Romeo? Maserati? Ferrari?
   I personally doubt Glass was made-to-order for the 428's. We know the car's components were sourced from existing parts, so it stands to reason the various glass bits (and the rubber seals) were as well.
428 Frua Forum / AC badge
January 16, 2015, 17:07:35
Originally posted by shep
Hi Clifford, That is a great idea. I asked Clive Bowyer to have some produced, and he ended up making 3 pre-ordered sets by hand. Even at the price we charged which I think was about £150 each, poor Clive made a loss, and spent hours of soldering and fettling. If you could come up with an economic price and sensible delivery I would guess there is a market for 10+ sets. See what you can find out! Thanks, Andy.

   Knock me down for a new front badge if this comes to pass. Just for insurance, in case the need arises.
428 Frua Forum / Coupe rear window sealing
November 03, 2014, 19:47:09
If anyone has removed a fastback rear window, the cross-section and dimensions of the gasket would make identification of a replacement much easier. Absent this information, finding a replacement is just guesswork.
sent three photos of CF26 to your temporary email address. Hope you get them. Good to know there's another existing 428 to add to the register. Though partially disassembled with parts scattered, I was told it's complete under 40-ish years of dust.
Paul -
   No email as yet from you. I checked my address in "profiles", and it should work.
   Somehow your email to me has gone astray.
   Try again please.
   Jeff J
Message to Classicus:
   Paul - I tried to send you an email, but your "fruafan" address is defunct.
   I was trying to send you photos of another "unknown" fastback for your register. It's CF26, intact under a 40 year layer of dust. (It is VERY "dusty")
   Are you still with us? Would you like to see?
   And by-the-way...
   I have a photo of Jay Leno admiring my 428. He pulled up next to the Frua in his Merlin-powered Bently, and was full of admiration for the car. He really likes the 428's - knew all about them, and said he wanted one. (this mentioned, as you had expressed an interest in having feedback from him)
428 Frua Forum / AC Frua Restoration Part 2
April 07, 2014, 02:52:48
Emmanuel - your persistence ia truly admirable. CFX54 will be - hands down - the best 428 ever!
   Absolutely gorgeous!
   Here's hoping it goes as good as it looks! (and I don't doubt it will)
   I'm looking forward to seeing it in person (lucky me!)
Originally posted by Emmanueld
Jeffrey, this is your color!

   Yup. I think you're correct Emmanuel.
   There are still traces of the original paint on my car, missed spots from when it was painted red. It's difficult to tell the tue color from photos - my paint seemed a little bluer. Blue-green metallic. This looks more like a darker shade of the Jaguar "sage green" I had on my '80's XJ6 VDP.
   If I re-paint the car, I'd do it in this color. I like it. Beautiful!