
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Messages - Purple

Originally posted by ak1234
Dave / Purple . .. peace here to .. I guess it was incouraging that the manufacturer actually spoke up in this forum .. to me that was a treat .. unfortunatley it was to defend some comments.  Even the big 3 have lemons ... the kinks will be worked out and we will all benefit... Did you see the Shelby that sold for 5 M at BJ ????

   Hi Ron. Yes the Shelby has been posted around. $5.5M I believe it finally went for![:0] Not a bad years work for the seller eh! $4.5M Profit on what he paid last year [;)]
Originally posted by SB7019
   I'm not sure that making statements like "how dare you insult your customer base" and signing off "disgusted" would be construed by most people as a way in which "you try to offer people advice".
   You have a good reputation for offering advice to the UK  Cobra Club members.  John Owen also has a good and long standing reputation for providing advice to AC owners.  You are happy to do so through public internet forums while he clearly prefers to deal by e mail and phone.
   You imply that you "have the whole picture" and that AK 1234 is "less informed".  This is  despite the fact that he had already stated, and has just repeated, that he has seen 2 of the actual cars and has been an active member of this site since it's inception.
   What elements of the picture have you and Purple seen that we have not and have you yourself seen one of the Mk Vs in the flesh?

   Seeking to gain support for an attack on John Owen from the UK Cobra Club site using the exact same phrase as the infamous Jade and bragging about your previous battles may look like an attempt at bullying.  It may also be viewed as the efforts of someone trying to "gain something by shooting you (in this case AC Cars, who you could well see as a potential competitor) down".
   You are good at building high quality replicas.  John has shown in the past  that he can build AC's to a world renowned level of quality. Those of us who are lucky enough to own them are highly appreciative of this.  I, for one, hope that he can continue to do so in the future and thus keep alive a marque that we all love.

   I have refrained from replying sooner because I thought that maybe I had barged in unwelcomed. And if you guys feel that my comments are unwelcome and not needed I will happily leave you in peace. I realise that this is the Holy Grail Of AC Ownership, But Both mine and Daves comments were mearly an Echo of a lot of of members on here, Some of whom are held in the highest regard as to all things Cobra. No I have not seen a MkV in the flesh, But the many pictures I have seen, Clive Suttons included. Don't do the Marque any favours at all. Frankly the Body Fit/Shut lines don't even compare with a Low End Kit Car let alone a Production Car. If I were potential buyer I wouldn't stop for a second glance, given that presentation of product. Knowone is slating John Owen, But Maybe constructive critism can sometimes open peoples eyes to the fact that they are not always right, and improvements can and should be made. At the moment there are a lot of better Replicas out there. Now is the time to step up and smell the coffee, and make the AC badge the Top Runner. It may carry an AC badge, But is it actually worth £60k ???
Originally posted by Chafford
Originally posted by dave
   What is your problem with addressing questions on an open forum?
   Frightened of getting tripped up?
   I do hope your product does come up to scratch with quality levels that you are hoping for. But i don't think it was a very clever business move promoting a "Premium brand" using such poorly finished examples.
   You have obviously paid substantial sums to own and use the name in order to maximise prices and also by producing the cars in Malta away form the natural skill base. Again to maximise profit.
   And you wonder why you are getting flack.
   This site has many members who (I'm sure) quite often have their cars mistaken for "Replicas" (Much to their dismay, I'm sure)and there is no more sure fire way of making someone think that a car is a "Cheap kit car" than having body panels that don't fit and wheels that are not set correctly in the wheel arches. There are many , many self built DIY kit cars around that would not realise 25% of the prices being asked here in the UK for your product.
   How dare you insult "Your " loyal customer base by asking so much for an ill prepared product.
   P.S. Hello everyone else....Before this gets deleted.

   Including your own?
   Constructive criticism is fine but I think you're flaming [}:)]

   With respect I think Daves post is relavent in that any critism/reply should be addressed openly. It shows a more professional outlook that prospective customers can judge. Anything that sweeps it under the table/off-forum shows a lack of commitment/something that needs hiding in the product. Several people have shown concerns as to the quality/finish of the product shown. So why should Malta address these issues in such an offhand  manner? In my opinion in dosn't belay customer confidence!