
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Messages - Bob King

I guess the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We set the float levels to 16mm using the GD method with good effect. TTM, the measurements were taken with the engine silent - I have an electric pump, which helps. A piece of steel bar was rested across the air intake of the carb and the plastic tube taped to it. then relatively easy to measure the level with rule or vernier.
Thanks Keith. On Geoff Dowdles advice I made a main jet holder with copper tube soldered in and then clear plastic tube in which I can measure the level of the fuel in the float chamber.
What is the correct float level for B32PBI_6 carbs on a D2 engine? Geoff Dowdle says 16mm from the top of the float bowl and I will follow his advice unless anyone has views to the contrary. Strangely, neither the handbook or the workshop manual address this subject.
Just discovered this thread. Is the Forum the best way to contact the membership at large?

I am considering taking BE1176 to Europe (from Australia) next year and would be interested in doing the Le Mans trip. I would probably prefer the Eurotunnel
Thanks Barrie. Mine did, but has been lost by the previous owner. I am told someone in USA can make badges.
Can anyone tell me where I can get the curved Bristol badge that goes under the AC badge on BE 1176?