May I personally thank Ian Rogers, SB7019 (Peter) and Jim Bottini for all the images you have sent through to me over the last week or so and for the time and effort you have put in to obtaining them for me. They will be of enormous value to me in completing the build. Thanks also for the kind offer from AK1234. I have a number of AC Superblower flyers/brouchers and combining these with the images I've received from the aforementioned, I've probably now got enough, but thanks very much anyway. What a great club!! It seems that everyone is pulling in the same direction, all with a united passion to pass and share information for the good of the club. As I've mentioned in previous threads, I have an ever growing and developing parts catalogue, that may be of value to all mark 4's, CRS and Superblower owners. If I can help anyone in sourcing parts info, please drop me a line. I'm hoping when my car is completed, (at which point the catalogue will be completed), I will make it available to all members. In the mean time, any odd bits of info you need, let me know.