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Messages - Alistair

looking at your Dropbox pics I see that you have found a bellows top hose - could you tell me who supplied it please?
AC Weller Engine / Water pump and Fan belt
October 04, 2017, 21:48:19
Thanks to all of you for the range of advice.
   All sorted now - heat, cold, locknuts, jemmy, hammer, profanity:  brilliant combination!
   Hoping that the next ten jobs on my list don't need the same level of commitment (or help from this forum).
   But I have a suspicion that I will be back with more questions...
AC Weller Engine / Water pump and Fan belt
October 02, 2017, 00:20:15
Thanks for your advice.
   It is the two studs which pass through the pump which are corroded into the pump and won't allow it to be removed.  I have tried heat and a crowbar down the back but no joy.  Now I have taken out the radiator and the fan etc so that I can lever it from the front but it won't shift.  Have also tried to remove the two studs by putting a locknut on the exposed part but that won't work either.  The guts of the water pump have been replaced in the past, and the bearings have broken down now, but I don't think the body of the pump has ever been off the block.
   Final choice is to smash the casting because I will need a new pump anyway.  Before that drastic step I will keep using penetrating oil and the crowbar.  Plenty of other jobs to do on the car while the oil seeps into the tiny gaps.
   Thanks for fan belt advice and yes I found the elongated slots in the fan bracket which allow adjustment of fan belt tension.
Does anyone know of supplier of stainless steel exhaust for this car or a firm that custom makes exhausts, preferably in the Berkshire/Oxfordshire/Surrey area?
AC Weller Engine / Water pump and Fan belt
October 01, 2017, 10:19:00
I have recently bought a 2 litre saloon and have some essential maintenance items which are causing me a problem which I am sure you experienced forum members can help me with.
   My water pump has failed and I will replace it.  However despite removing the retaining nuts I cannot separate it from the block - presumably it has not been removed for many years and the two studs which locate it on the block have corroded into the body of the pump and prevent me levering it off.  I have applied penetrating oil and used as much leverage as possible but it is solid - any good ideas?
   Second, although the basic handbook says that the four small bolts holding the fan can be loosened to provide adjustment for the fanbelt this seems not to be the case on my car. How do I adjust something to create some slack to remove/replace the fan belt?  And wouldn't such an adjustment make the fan's motion eccentric??
   Thanks in advance