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Messages - ian wayne

And on another note, I will be running 16/80 Sloping Tail Competition Sports, chassis 593L, in the Pebble Beach Tour D'Elegance on Thursday 8/15, and showing it in the Pre-War European Class at the Concours on Sunday.  Quite chuffed about all that!
Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / Tools
March 16, 2024, 23:10:06
I'm trying to put together a reasonable facsimile of a tool kit as would have been supplied for a 16/80.  Does anyone have a list of tools typical for this model?  Information as to manufacturer (Perhaps Snail or Shelley?) and packaging (i.e., roll, box or bag) would also be helpful.  Photos, of course, may be the best way to tell the story.


Hi Rod -Thanks for the photo, and yes, if it's not a problem for you to measure the diameter and length, that would be very helpful.  I'm starting to get the feeling I will be having to make a dummy pair.  Wondering though, are the any markings that indicate who, if not AC directly, made the canisters?  Perhaps similar units were used on other marques of the time.  Cheers, Ian
Thanks Colin.  Your exhaust setup looks exactly as mine does now, with the two perpendicular pipes capped off.  Those would be where the expansion cans were originally fitted.  I will hold out hope that there are a couple floating around out there.

Good thought on the radiator cap workaround!  I may well go that route.
I am working on a last few details of L593, in the hope of getting it accepted at Pebble Beach this year.  As such, I wonder if someone out there might have a pair of expansion cans as originally fitted to either side of the of the exhaust manifold down-pipe?  I realize these devices are now held in low regard, as they supposedly do more harm (robbing power) than good (silencing).   My intention though, is to internally blank them off, so they become strictly decorative.  Therefore, whatever "magic" they had inside, does not need to be in working order.  Even good close-up photos of installed units would be appreciated, in the event I need to fabricate my own.

One other bit I am searching for, is a non-drilled (for mascot) radiator cap.  Though the car is fitted with a lovely "Greyhound of the Road", I feel that in a non-concours situation, the urge to adopt a puppy may be too great for some.  Having a plain cap would be perfect for everyday use.  If one were crazy enough to drive the old girl on a daily basis in an urban area of 18M people, that is!
Thank you.  I did have a very nice talk with Steve Hall today, and he pretty much confirmed your opinion as to the car's quality.  That was enough for me, and now it's just down to getting it transported to (formerly) sunny California!
Hello all,
I just this morning had an offer accepted on L593, and am quite chuffed.  Looking forward to having it keep Ace Bristol BEX430 company in the garage.
Curious to know of any recommendations for someone knowledgable in this model, who may be willing to have a look at the car.  Not so much for any mechanical or safety issues, as I believe I have a shop arranged to handle those.  More with an eye to correctness in regards to finishes, trim, assembly, etc.  The car is located in Oxfordshire, and of course I would gladly pay for this service.
Thank you Keith, this is very helpful.  It seems that if I want to do it right, that second fuel line is the way to go.
It seems the topic of running both electric and mechanical pumps has been flogged about quite a bit, but there is one part I am not clear on.  if the desire is to use, say, a boot mounted SU pump ONLY to prime the fuel line up to the mechanical pump, is it acceptable to just insert one into the existing line?  This would be a lot less work than running a secondary line to the carburettor fuel rail. I can think of an alternative to that by using a  couple Y pipes and a one way check valve around the electric pump, but that may not be necessary.  My basic concern is, what king of impediment does a non-running electrical pump present when presented with suction (from the mechanical pump) on its output side?  If it is negligible, then just running it in-line should work.  Advice, anyone?
Hello all - I am in the process of replacing some horrid non-original carpet in BEX430.  I have sourced  material which looks to be very close in appearance to the Kar-Vel that was originally fitted.  My question is, which way do the "ribs" run?  Front to back, or side to side?  Each carpeted section (footwells, tunnel, rear scuttle and door interiors)  presents an opportunity to get it wrong! 

Further, there were several 2009 posts from member "pls01"  mentioning pictures and / or a template for a handbrake cover.  I seem to get the idea that rather than a leather boot, it is supposed to be something like a hood made from carpet.  Unfortunately the Mills books don't address this detail.   Any guidance, especially photos would be greatly appreciated.

Hollywood, CA
[:)]  Thank you Luke - exactly what I was looking for!
   Hello all-
   I'm nearing the end of restoration of BEX430, and am in need of dimensions and construction details for the carpeted panel (the one with with the "Mickey Mouse" ears, for lack of better description) that resides on the bulkhead behind the seats. Even a good photo or two would be helpful.
   Further, does anyone have details on fabricating realistic looking side screens for this model? I think my chances of finding a pair at this point are slim to none!