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Thank you to the two gentlemen who emailed me and to Tim for the information.
   The engine is now sitting on the floor after being removed.  It came out happily with both NVE gearbox cross shaft and the sandwich plate in place. The front rubber mount had to be lifted out with the block but it was straight forward with the engine hoist used.
Hello ACers,
   Yes I am a member and thought I would do as the Action editor suggested and use the forum.
   I was hoping that someone else may be able to help as the registrar has something on at the moment and he has already been very obliging this week.
Mon cher Christian, je vous rappel tres bien et je suis tres content que vous avez acheter un AC. Peut-etre vous pouvez venir pour notre National Day le rendezvous n'est pas loin de Silverstone ? De tout facon j'espere vous voir bientot. Tony
Hi Terry
   Sorry you had a wasted journey.  The point was raised at the committee meeting last night (25 May) and yes, late cancellations should now be posted on the web site.
General Forum / Feedback
April 30, 2006, 13:57:20
Hi Ian
   Thanks for the comments.  There will be some inital bugs like your screen resizing to fix as we get more feedback.  There is also a reported problem with the Safari browser not accessing the members' pages.
   Electronic ordering of items is likely to come, but not in the immediate future.  The plan is to get the basics of the site sorted out and working well before going to the next step.  The ACOC is not the most 'electronic' of clubs but we will get there!
Hello ACers,
   As you may of gathered I have turned to the forum for the first time as a man in need.
   I hope no one is offended that I am asking for advice in my first post without all the usual formal introductions and expecting you kind souls to forward information without recompense.
   I have started the task of taking the engine out of my car.  I am currently stripping the ancillaries.  Is it possible to take the engine out alone and leave the gearbox and clutch cross shaft in situ ?
   I Hope someone can and are willing to offer advice.
   Thanks in advance,
General Forum / ACOC AGM
April 16, 2007, 09:22:59
Sunday 22nd April is the FBHVC Drive It Day it is also the date of the ACOC's AGM and also coincides with the Monthly Surrey ACOC meet. Do please try to use your car on that day and maybe come to the Barley Mow at West Horsley Nr Guildford at 12.00, thus killing several(metaphorical)birds at the same time. Tony Michaels
Dear Chairman,
   Iam very proud to be a part of it .(since january 07).
   Thanks to my friend Bertrand Leseur, ACOC member ,Icould acquire
   BEX 1073 last july.
   Remember, I think we met at mr Finburgh's shop with Bertrand at that time.
   I became an AC enthusiast step by step.It started in june 1998 when I had the chance to drive AC bex1205 around Le Mans circuit at the Motoring cavalcade.
   The last step that decided me to become an AC Bristol owner was LeMans Classic 2006. the best week-end ever! 3 AC on the same grid #2.I was "officially" the photographer of this great family.thank you to Tim Pearce, John Arnold, Bertand and also Tony Byford .more than 900 photographs and a book to keep this memorable week-end unforgettable !
   I hope that one day we shall have the opportunity to meet at one of the club's events.
   Yours Sincerely
   Christian Clouard