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Messages - AEX726

   I had similar conversations with the owner and passed on the car as I asked more questions about the engine.  It also apparently has a freewheel gearbox which to me carries its own set of issues.  He was very upfront about everything, my impression was that he was learning about much of this as the questions came in.  All of this led me to concur with your assessment that there are other projects out there.  The lack of a title with the car wasn't a positive either.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Aceca prices
February 21, 2008, 21:58:06
I am the prior owner of the car in Illinois.  An interesting discussion and quite honestly, with so few cars who can truly say what they are worth.  One thing I would like to add to the discussion is a different perspective on cars like this.  The assumption of a complete restoration is interesting in that there has been no discussion of the mechanics of the car which to me, as a driver, is as important as anything.  I owned this car for almost three years and following mechanical recomissioning which I performed myself and was needed after a long hibernation (not much work, which speaks well for AC's!) I drove this car very regularly, putting over 7,000 miles on it in less than two summers of use.  I would hop in an go as readily and with no further trepidation than I have with my every day car.  No mechanical problems during that time either.  Sometimes back and forth to work, sometimes on day long trips to various tracks in the mid west to watch some vintage racing.  This, to me, is the sign of a good car.  I am aware of the amount of work required for a cosmetic restoration on one of these cars and am not trying to comment one way or the other on the dollar value of the car which is obviously up to buyer / seller (and what the buyer has in mind for the car).  I will say that the attention the car got at gatherings was really something else and, quite frankly, most of the comments were in the camp of "don't touch it".  In fact, at a local british car gathering the car was parked next to a perfectly restored, real 289 Cobra, the Aceca garnered far more attention and throughly torqued off the owner of the "nicer" and more valuable car.  This all comes from someone who drove a 71 TVR 2500 as his everyday car in college during the early '90's for 4 years, 4 snowy mid west winters, and 80,000 miles (with no real problems to speak of either) - again, it's all perspective!
I have just recieved 4 of the early type overriders from Hawk Cars.  They are the correct style and beautiful.  They are cast and not stamped but very nicely done.
   I would agree with Jay that lifting of the rear wheel should not be happening and is probably a sign of suspension issues.  I would also offer that my car was similar when I purchased it - fully rebuilt and tight suspension all around.  On my first test drive I almost lost the car at slow speed as the tires were set at very low air pressure.  Filling them properly helped a bit but it still did not handle properly.  The prior owner had taken the cheap route and installed cross-ply vintage Firestone tires.  After purchasing a set of Michelin X Radials, the car now handles very well.
Roy - point taken on the tunnel - from the photos I have seen it won't be too difficult to replicate in fiberglass.  If you fit the overdrive to your box please remember that you will need the third motion shaft and the adapter plate as well as the overdrive.  Knowing if the casing is TR with the bellhousing machined off would shed light on whether a TR adapter plate will work on your lightweight box.
   Robin - your comments on the cost of a TR box are well taken and another reason I find this option worth investigating when compared with the price of a Moss OD box.  I really think the key is whether an AC bellhousing would work on a machined TR box.  The splines are not going to be a problem but you will need to machine the input shaft and fit a pilot bushing in it as the AC has the bushing in the input shaft as opposed to the TR where it is in the end of the crankshaft.  The big question in my mind is the depth of the AC bellhousing relative to the length of the input shaft of the TR box.  I may do some investigating at the local shop I used to work at who has both TR and Moss boxes that are out of their respective cars.  (Can't check on mine since the car is together).  I'll keep you posted.  Not too worried about the purists since this is pretty much to what AC offered (ie not a 5 speed conversion or somthing of that kind).
Thank you Robin, have have enquired to both firms.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / aex659
September 27, 2006, 03:04:33
Originally posted by ken
gus  i'm in pa.  ken

   Hello Ken and Gus.  I am in Michigan - my car did come from PA.  Found it in a chicken coup along with several Ferraris a couple of years ago where it sat since 1972 (true story).  Non restored car that I did brakes on to get back on the road.  Drives very well, looks like you would expect but every one agrees I shouldn't touch it.  Have put about 3000 miles on it since late last summer.  Had to replace the main bearings to cure an engine rumble - not shot, just wear on the middle two bearings due to age and crank shaft wip.  Otherwise I haven't had to touch a thing.  These are great cars - are either of yours on the road?
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / aceca parts.
September 27, 2006, 02:56:02
Originally posted by ken
need source for window weatherstripping, window channel and door handles for aex659.

   Hi Ken - I am also a US Aceca owner and have replaced all of the weather seals on my side glass - front and rear.  Ron Leonard in Colorado carries everything you will need and is at 970-259-0108 - he is very helpful.  Regarding the seals for the windshield and rear window, I would assume he carries this as well.  My car came with a new roll when I purchased so can not say for certain.  If he doesn't, this was pretty generic and used on a lot of British cars during the 50's and 60's including TVR's, Mini's, etc...
Does anyone know if new mufflers are available for the Aceca / Ace cars?  If so, please provide the source.  Thanks!
A question for the masses.  I have an AC engined Aceca that I would like to fit with an overdrive gearbox.  My car came with the Moss box and I have given consideration to obtaining one with overdrive and fitting to my car with the necessary modifications.  An issue I have with this is the problem with worn syncros typical in the Moss box and the inability to replace them.  Being aware that AC offered a "lightweight" gearbox that has been described as TR gears in AC's own casting I am wondering if anyone has attempted to use a TR overdrive gearbox.  The only picture I have seen of one is the cutaway in the owners handbook that looks to me very much like a TR box with the bell housing machined off and a different one bolted on.  Has anyone explored doing this using the AC / Moss bellhousing and a modified TR gearbox (I realize that the input shaft would need to be machined for a female pilot bearing, amongst other modifications).  I am beginning to prefer this option given better parts availability for the Triumph box as well as the remote gear shift position, etc.  I am not interested in any modern 5 speed conversions so I really have these two options.  Your experiences would be appreciated!