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Messages - GSouthee

Hi Andy

Yes there was and it appears still is. It is still showing as taxed and in fact the last V5 seems to have been issued in October this year, so someone out there owns it.

Is it a member? be great to see that one at Le Mans.

Here is a link to the car from Bonhams when it was sold in 2010.

Cheers  Gary

Hi Andy

I am not sure that cancelling the Sprint will cause the ACOC to go into a 'death spiral'. A but over the top me thinks. I just do not understand the dire need to have a sprint at Goodwood for the select few participating cars. I do think that a joint effort with another club might make it more viable.

Your comment 'The AC Owners Club has organised many events each year for members to use their cars as they were designed including Hill Climbs, Auto Tests, Races and Sprints.' may relate to Ace and Cobra cars, but not all AC were designed for racing. In fact, I am not sure the original Ace cars were designed for that reason.

AS you know I have assisted in a  couple of the sprints and attended as a spectator. I missed this last one as was away on holiday touring Cambridgeshire and Linconlshire in the Ol Girl.

Also I do not disagree with you about the £45 membership cost, it is good value. What I disagreed with was the need to raise the cost to supplement the Sprint for the few! and to help with printing costs of ACtion, I have made a suggestion to David about reducing the publication of Action to a bi-monthly magazine and along with putting the minutes on the website this would reduce printing cots. |And, your right GRRC membership is steep, but the Earl needs it ;)

Take care and see you at Le Mans.


Hi Andy

This is an old post and yes, I have noticed the minutes in ACtion at last.  However, a better idea would be to put them into the members section of the website and save some printing costs for ACtion.

At least as it is at present, we members get to see what goes on at Council Meetings.

Well done David and Chris

ACOC News and Events / Re: Le Mans Classic 2023
October 29, 2022, 12:32:21

I see Andy is collecting names for the Classic 2023.

Let's see if we can a wide variety of cars to turn out. Maybe some more of the more obscure cars. It is not that onerous drive down to Le Mans if going by ferry either as per the club's normal route or Seahaven-Dieppe.

Hopefully some pre-war PVT cars or post war 2 Litres, 3000ME's, Greyhounds, Fruas etc etc as well as the Ace/Cobra derivatives.

See you over there.

Nice one Andy

Lovely Green. Hope it gets lots of use.

The club had a better balance at the end of July this year compared to last year.

The sprint is going to make a loss AGAIN. However, it is the jewel in the crown of ACOC events according to write up on the sprint. Must be a small crown, as far as I can see only 10 AC owners took part in AC cars. So, with 557 members that means that 1.78% of the membership took part. The council are proposing a membership cost of £5 to £10 to assist in covering the loss and that of the extra cost of Action production.

Now, maybe the best way of reducing Actions costs is to go to a bi-monthly magazine? more time for better content, then maybe it would be 'exceptional quality'.

Another is to cancel the sprint, make those who want to take part, pay for, move to a cheaper location. Not charge the other 98.22% of the membership for the honour of the elite few to take part. Then we would not need a safeguarding officer.  Or how about a track type day for club members only, those who don't have access to racing suits/licences etc etc it could include a BBQ and even be part of the National? I wonder how many members actually care about the sprint? a poll perhaps or is that stretching democracy too far?

There are a number of vacancies in the club that need filling however the council think adding 2 more posts would help eg  an events coordinator and a safeguarding officer. Ho hum good luck with filling those posts as well.

Le Mans 2023 is closing in on us and not seen much action re that, seems to still be in discussion.

Ah maybe I am just old and grumpy and wittering.



Nowt personal. ;)




That is a bit like sorry we missed your birthday.

The National days are so formal, concours etc. The club needs to lighten up a bit. I will never attend a National.

As I said maybe a little badge/plaque cannot break the bank. Just need to get a count of members with 2 litres from the registrar. I am sure the club, which as mentioned numerous times are us the members, can stand the cost. Although it may take the committee several meetings to discuss such matters.

But maybe it would be a waste of time looking at the number of members coming forward with pics of their car on here, so far just myself and Tony.

So come 2 litre owners show some pride and send a pic.



I am sure you do not delay for no reason.

However, a little message on the Forum to say there is a delay would suffice and be a positive means of communication.

Ah David I will get my Iranian drone ready ;D

Chassis L800 was a prototype with a drop head body in 1946.

Next actual saloon  prototype L801 January 1947.

2 Litre model launched March 2017 and first cars on the road around October 1947.

So, I suggest right on time ::)

I may not be around when then 2 Litre is 80. :)

Like I said in my earlier post Ace centric, surely the Ace would only be 70 years or 30 years. Oh we must celebrate the Ace.

Take care and keep your head down the drone is coming.


I do agree to a point.

I have indeed in the past offered my help/assistance and participation in the role of Secretary.

For the last 2 Lemans I offered support/assistance to Andy, I admit I did not want to take on the whole role but could have taken some of the weight. Andy could not even be bothered to reply to my offer.

Again, as to the Secretary role I contacted Andy and sent a CV, Andy as good as suggested I was not suitable. So, I withdrew my offer.

Never again will I bother to apply to assist the club in this way.

However, I will be emailing David with an offer of assistance if the Club decide to go to Lemans classic next year. (Perhaps, my assistance will be taken up).

As to the Anniversary of the 2 Litre I am happy doing my bit on here. Perhaps the 2 Litre registrar should flag it to the committee, and maybe the committee could authorise getting a little badge made to commemorate it, (after all it does fund the ACOC club sprint for the elite! sometimes at a loss). I believe the registrar has all the details of members with 2 litres.

So, come on 2 Litre owners lets us voice pride in our cars. Get a pic on here.


Hi Tony very nice.

Anymore owners out there, come on stick a pic on.

Cheers David

I will look forward to it.

Ps I will be emailing you re Le Mans.


ACOC News and Events / Le Mans Classic 2023
October 19, 2022, 19:19:18
Hi do we know if the club is intending to do the Le Mans classic this coming year?



I am sure the 'Commitee' would need no prompting if it was the Ace/Cobra with an anniversary.

I cannot envisage me doing a write up for Action, I prefer the Forum medium. It is now, it is current, it is bite size.

My point is 75years is a pretty remarkable milestone, that has not been picked up on.

Still, I've tried.

Let's see if any other 2 litre owners come forward and share images of their cars.
