
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Contact the relevant registrar directly - contact details are in ACtion.
Although access to the registers is restricted to current ACOC members, the information in those published on the club website is regarded as public domain information.  The register entry for a particular car may be provided by a registrar in response to bona fide enquiries from non-members, for example from a prospective purchaser.  Any other information not in the public domain (and there is a lot out there - there are numerous photos of both my ACs on the internet) is regarded as confidential.  Some information in the published registers is shown as 'Withheld' on request.
John Spencer will be giving a talk on 7 February as detailed in the poster below:

General Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas
December 14, 2022, 09:13:57
And from your Webmaster - Happy Christmas and all the best for 2023.
Please contact Spares Co-Ordinator Steve Hall with the suggestion.  The Council is always prepared to consider fully costed proposals for remanufacturing new spares unavailable elsewhere.
I understand Terry is recovering from a nasty bout of COVID and the mag will be out soon.
16/XX refers to the engine that was fitted.

The AC Six was a "16 HP" engine according to the RAC taxation class:

16 HP had no relevance to the engine's real output, so AC and many other manufacturers used designations such as 16/66, 16/70, 16/80 etc. 
16/66 = 16HP taxation class, 66 HP output at the flywheel (these numbers were sometimes optimistic!)
16/80 = 16HP taxation class, 80 HP output at the flywheel

The Anzani/Cubitt/AC 4 cylinder was in the 12 HP taxation class.
I have had a WOSP starter on my 3000ME for several years - no problems so far.
ACOC News and Events / ACOC AGM Calling Notice
June 19, 2022, 09:01:00
AC Owners Club Limited Annual General Meeting 2022

Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the AC Owners Club is to be held on-line on Wednesday 27th July 2022 commencing at 7.30pm

Please see notes below for details of how to access the on-line meeting and how to see documents

Order of business for the meeting will be

1. Minutes of the AGM held on 30th June 2021 and matters arising therefrom.

2. To receive and approve accounts for the Club for the year ended 31st December 2021 (see note 1).

3. To receive a report from the Chairman.

4. To elect the Directors and Council of the Club (see note 4).

5. To elect the Officers of the Club.

6. To elect the Honorary Reporting Accountant.

7. To nominate Honorary Members for consideration by the ACOC Council.

By order of the Honorary Secretary – Christopher Pearce 30th June 2022

1. The accounts will be published on the ACOC website prior to the AGM and the other documents for the meeting will also be published on the website (Members' Area home page).
2. The meeting is expected to be held on Zoom. If you wish to attend the meeting please download the Zoom app. on your device and email the ACOC webmaster ( who will email you the necessary password.
3. In order to focus discussion and approvals at the meeting, if you have any questions arising on the agenda above or from the papers on the website please email the Hon. Secretary ( ) who will arrange for a response from the relevant officer of the club. Your enquiry and the response will also be posted on the website prior to the meeting to enable other members to see these.
4. Any member intending to offer themselves newly for election to be a Director of the Club or to the Council must submit notice in writing, signed by themselves and their proposers, to be received by the Hon. Secretary not less than four days nor more than twenty-eight days before the date of the meeting.
5. Any member entitled to attend and vote at the AGM may appoint a proxy to vote on his or her behalf. Any member wishing to appoint a proxy should contact the Hon. Secretary by telephone (01732 810384) or email ( to obtain a copy of the relevant form or submit their own form strictly in the format specified in para. 33 of the Articles.
6. Re Hon Members: the power of appointment lies with the Council. Any nominations for new Hon Members are to be submitted on a nomination form available from John Spencer by e-mail not later than 15th July 2022. These will then be considered by those present at the AGM. Nominations so confirmed at the AGM will be forwarded to the Council who will consider the nominations and appoint those nominees approved by the Council. The current list of Hon Members is available on the Club website:
Members' Area -> Accounts tab at page top -> download 2020 Accounts and AGM papers -> see penultimate page

Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / Re: L482
June 13, 2022, 09:15:15
Could you post a link to the auction?
Attached are the entry form and ASRs for this year's event.  You must be logged in to the Forum to see attachments - if you aren't a Forum user please register above.

General Discussion / Re: Members area
May 01, 2022, 09:34:11
Log in to the members' area from the website home page.  When you're in,
Members' Area -> Model Directory -> Spares from dropdown box
Chains and sprocket sets are out of stock but get in touch with registrar Ian Winter (contact details in ACtion or under 'Officers' in the members' area) who may be able to help.
General Forum / Re: AC Prototype
April 26, 2022, 09:09:19
There have been a series of articles in ACtion on MA200, which among many other things firmly put to bed the story that it was a prototype for the flat six.  Join the club, get the info!  The annual subscription costs less than than a tank of fuel.  There's another short article in the current issue.