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Messages - bobbylangley

General Discussion / Re: New Forum
October 04, 2020, 11:59:02
Action is not available on line (it has been said before). The reasons are several but the most obvious being copyright granted to us for photographs etc to appear in ACtion, but not on any other platform.
Why don't you have a word with Gerry Hawkridge, Hawk Cars. You'll get what you want there.
Look Mike's email up on he membership list Garry
General Forum / Re: Not so Speedy Cables
July 19, 2020, 11:09:57
I've just had my speedo recalibrated by them and was given the 8 weeks estimate. It was done eventually but I had to chase them twice and after the second time it came within two weeks (it had been with them for about 3months...). Wasn't too much of a problem as car was in storage and lockdown prevented me from getting it back! But the price was as they had quoted and it does work now.
Recent ACs / Re: Two new models
July 16, 2020, 13:16:47
You could be right about IVA Robin, looking at the pics on the website they have some old style switchgear which I don't think would pass today without some way of circumventing the regulations.
I'm not buying them, did the 15" change a while back but just saw them for sale and thought they may be of interest to somebody
have you tried Rodney Thomas (CRS Registrar) or Constant Wagner (Post 2000 AC Cars Registrar)?
The Club can supply you with a handbook. There will be an advertisement in the March edition of Action (or look it up in an older version).
General Discussion / Re: New Forum
February 26, 2020, 09:45:09
There has been discussion about this on the Forum previously. ACtion is not available online and I believe the problem is with copyright. We are given dispensation (in Archive) for example) to use certain photographs in articles but only for publication in Action, not to be widely available by other means, eg, pdf format online. Therefore it is not published online. And the members' area and the Forum are two different log ins as the members' area is for members only and the Forum is open to all so your problem may lie here. Also when renewing your membership, for a short time whilst we await PayPal confirmation your membership passes from Current (where you can log in) to Pending (where you can't). Upon confirmation you are manually moved back into Current. You may have been in Pending when you tried to log in. Try again.
#43 do green, blue and grey here in the UK
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Re: Ace Overriders
August 05, 2019, 20:09:51
ACOC News and Events / Re: 2019 International
August 05, 2019, 19:59:39
Who cares? Better to come with your car and enjoy yourself than worrying about the condition.