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Messages - bennettpg49

General Forum / FOR SALE SCAM
May 02, 2017, 11:30:04
   I currently have a wanted advert running in the ACOC ACtion magazine and have been contacted by KENNETH WILSON who has offered me an Ace that he doesn't own and claims he is selling it for the owner. Having contacted the owner it transpires that this KENNETH WILSON is offering cars for sale without the owner's permission or knowledge, changing the chassis number and offering up for sale as the selling agent. Please be aware that this is a con and I would strongly advise anyone who is contacted by this man to avoid any dealings with him. He is based in the USA.
   Check on Hemmings and any other Car For Sale web site and make sure that your car is not being offered for sale.
   For more details please feel free to contact me on 01606 882150, Peter Bennett.