
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Messages - TTM

Hello all,
   I get the feeling from looking at the 2.6 radiator that it may be about as heavy as a dead horse, and before I pull it off the engine bay to clean it thoroughly and possibly repaint it, I was curious if a known and proven lighter replacement could be purchased somewhere?
   Or is this only a case of bank-breaking custom work?
   What does everyone use to tune their Solex carbs on the Bristol engine?
   I heard good things about the vintage Motometer unit(s) but I would rather buy something new, and most of the modern "snail"-shaped synchronizers look like they won't be a trivial fit with the Solex inlet flange.
   Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
   While looking at an original Mk2 Cobra recently I noticed some light cracks on the bodywork about halfway up its door sills.
   Someone I believe to be in the know mentioned this was a design weakness that would often appear "after a while" if always filling up the fuel tank to its maximum capacity.
   Thankfully my Ace does not suffer from this issue but I have been wondering if other folks on here had heard about this before and accordingly avoided filling up their fuel tank to the full?
   Just curious what other chaps on here use as a replacement for the filtering part in Vokes air filter "camemberts"?
   It looks like something might be available from K&N but I would rather steer clear from oiled filters, especially pink ones.
Good morning chaps,
   Could a member in the know point me to a source for front ball joint replacements?
   Thanks in advance.