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Messages - Jam2

Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / Re: AC Car Registry
January 01, 2023, 16:22:01
Sadly the Bentley site (which I think is great) is no longer being updated as the "owner" of the site decided to retire. Hopefully what is there will remain for a while, but sadly will then be lost.

I don't know where paho is based, it would be interesting to know where and why the suggested site could be threatening.
Interesting set of photos, I see they say "1919" and "only car of it's kind" are either of those comments likely to be true?
I do enjoy your postings, thanks for sharing.
428 Frua Forum / Re: 428 for sale
June 22, 2022, 14:16:17
The auctioneer's description has corrected the chassis number to CF65
David Hescroff has advised me that he has a 4cyl type axel in his loft,  it might have come with the 12/40 that I had, although I suspect it wont have the sports ratios.  If you make contact with David he would know more.
Hope the axle rebuild goes well.  I read the article in the current issue of  The Automobile about your car,  I assume that this was written before you bought it.
Back in the 1970's/80's I had the other 12/40 sports,  I recall that 1st and 2nd were noisy, the car easily hit 70mph and Cruised along at 60mph with no trouble.  The brakes were not good!  Subsequently the car had a Belgium owner who had to have the axle rebuilt.
The clutch was of the in or out variety which made smooth take offs difficult and hill starts were best avoided,  it may be this aspect is what caused your half shafts to suffer.  Perhaps your car has more forgiving clutch lining........
General Forum / Re: AC Prototype
April 27, 2022, 09:00:51
Robin I quite understand your comment 'join the club',  I was a member for many years, owning a 12/40 sports, 16/80 comp, Cobra. All the cars did a lot of miles.  I was also the Cobra registrar for a while.  I parted with all my cars in the 1990's.   But still retain an interest and occasionally via this forum hope I have added something.   But I just don't want to be a member of any more clubs and the associated cost and post.
General Forum / Re: AC Prototype
April 26, 2022, 05:55:21
Thank you sundude, that's the one, I managed to misread the registration number.
Is it the car that initially was going to house the flat 6 engine,  what a shame that it never got to production, it did look good.
General Forum / AC Prototype
April 24, 2022, 19:39:44
Last Friday I wandered round a rather posh car show and spotted an unusual AC,  described as a 1962 prototype and registered 4000PE.

I feel sure I remember the number from somewhere, but old age is catching up and I can't remember what the car actually is.

I have a photo but have failed miserably to post it.
The auction details reference the fact that even a chassis is regarded as a replaceable spare part. As I understand the various legal cases on this subject, continuous history is the vital point, would the fact the the chassis was scrapped a while ago and not replaced "in a reasonable time" cause problems for registration in the future?
What an unusual auction description. A little precis of AC cars 1950's history, but nothing about the car.
It does look to be a nice (Bristol engined) one.
Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / JPH696
November 09, 2021, 09:28:47
On this morning a photo of what looks like a prewar AC chassis, with the number plate JPH696
Anyone know any more?
Vintage, PVT & 2 Litre Forum / Re: Covid-19
October 14, 2021, 10:50:24
You have my full understanding,  I had lunch out with neighbours last Thursday,  the neighbour tested positive on the 12th, so I did a LF test which was instantly positive and had a PCR at our local testing station (most efficient) 10hrs later I got the positive result.  I now feel that I have a mild cold and a bit of a sore throat.
My horror was filling in the track and trace form!
A run of good reproduction ones was made in the US, see