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Topics - Edward_C

Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Hood ECUs
May 15, 2016, 10:06:10
I am in the process of having a new batch of hood ECUs made. Although the hood mechanism is predominantly Peugeot 306, the ECU appears to use little more than the casing and plug setup from the donor vehicle; the chip and wiring were custom built for the car.
   Please let me know if you are in need of one. Price tbc.
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Factory Build Photos
April 20, 2015, 20:16:02


If anyone is missing any of the black metal AC badges from the wheel centres, please pm me.
Can anyone tell me whether there are any Brooklands Ace articles in either of the Brooklands road test reprint series?
   There seem to be two books which cover the right years but I don't want to purchase a copy of either and be left disappointed...