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Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Roof hydraulic rams
December 31, 2022, 12:30:08
Hi everyone, Seasons Greetings !

Does anyone know of a source for the roof hydraulic rams? Or at least what other cars they were used on?
I have identified a small leak on one of mine, may just be the joint, I have not investigated fur5er yet to see, but would be handy to know where to look for replacements if needed.

Many thanks,
General Forum / Goodwood Revival
September 16, 2022, 14:52:26
I am at the Revival again this year, great to see the Cobras !
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / E10 and E5 petrol
January 15, 2022, 09:54:48
So, I have decided to just use the 98 Ron petrol in the Ace, and notrisk using the new petrol, seems a sensible and safe move.
I thought this would be of interest to the current owner of the Aceca that is in the cover photo of one of the Shell Drivers Club guides for East Africa,  from the 50's (ish), that have from when my mum was there as a child. It is a red car and the last digit on the reg pate looks to be a '3', so I think it is AE547, GO94 0L3. If the current owner would like, I can take a decent photo of it and email over. I will try to attach a photo here also....
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Radiator expansion tank
August 23, 2021, 20:15:00
My Radiator expansion tank has split, due to age and heat and is weeping water once fully warmed up. I tried a temporary repair with some mouldable glue, but to no avail.
The good news however is that I have found someone to make me a replacement, in aluminium, so hopefully this will be ready to be able to come and spectate at Goodwood, but there is a risk it will take a bit longer to fabricate.
The other good news is that , if fully happy with it, and I am sure I will be, I will be able to coordinate upgraded replacement tanks for the Ac Brooklands for other owners.
Will keep you all posted.
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Fuel filter.........
August 26, 2017, 14:48:29
Easy question,  which fuel filter is used? (1995 model)
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Today I learned....
November 08, 2016, 21:00:43
.... from watching Harry's Garage on You Tube..... that our cars are:
   about  3.3  times rarer than a Pegani
   about 10 times rarer than a Bugatti Veyron
   And... Wrt Faberge, they made about 50 eggs, and 43 have survived...... so not dissimilar !!!
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Two Aces
January 26, 2015, 10:27:37
Yesterday was a fun day; these two Ace's were in the same place at the same time, for the first time, and then we drove in convoy, which caused some double-takes and turned some heads:
   The weather was chilly but dry, showers holding off until just before getting home.
A friend of mine is after an automatic Ace, preferably one of the early cars, but later ones may be considered. and would be glad to hear from anyone who knows of anything for sale/ might be persuaded to part with their own example.
   Please message me and I can forward on.
General Forum / Rare Breeds
September 03, 2014, 23:26:09
Having not been able to make it for the past few years, and as the event is getting bigger each year, I shall be taking the Ace Brooklands to this event this year:
   There may be space available for  another AC ???
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Spares list?
May 09, 2014, 10:21:23
Do we have a list of  the spare parts which we have amongst us collectively? I have a few parts, and  could help someone else out if, for example they knew I had a spare door mirror or two......
........ What is the best way to know which pins are which? I.e which letter/number is which? For bridging to read the stored codes......
.... And spotted an interesting motor parked, ....... Looked closer to see it was a T reg Ace Brooklands in Blue with hardtop on. Unfortunately didn't get to say hello to the driver, but will likely bump into you at a future AC meet up.
Ace 'Brooklands' Forum / Alloy wheel centre caps
January 21, 2013, 17:12:08
Whilst looking elsewhere, I tripped over the Azev alloy wheels, and eir centre caps look rather similar to the ones on our OZ alloys, ......
   The top left one on this page of their website.
   I have not seen any to check, just going by the photos.
I found this site, with info about the ABS pumps and parts.... might be of use for reference for the Teves system.
Hello everyone, as a new owner in the club, I have a few questions, s will. Start with an easy one:
   I see that the rear tyres are not available 'off the shelf', so where is the best place to get them ?  I see that the Dunlop 9000 are still made .......