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Topics - ctpearce

Following my previous post and advice (when I was worried about putting 40 amps through the existing wiring) I changed the car to negative earth and fitted the Dynalite. I decided that I could keep an eye on the ammeter and turn off if the needle showed signs of  bouncing off the 30amp stop or there were sizzling noises. This was very straightforward job with good instructions. Dynalite (and Holdens) do a dummy control box but this is not necessary as the control box is no longer needed and I just used the old one with the terminals 'shunted' together.
   I started carefully but have not seen over 20amps charging and for a very short period. The alternator covers the maximum discharge of 25 amps(with everything on) easily and starts charging at about 1,000rpm  The current (and presumably voltage) regulation from the built in regulator is much smoother and more rapid than the control box. So a good success although perhaps a completely run down battery might produce a higher charging current.
   Now for some better light units and halogen bulbs!
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / dynalite alternators
October 28, 2014, 21:19:36
I'm thinking of fitting a dynalite alternator to my Aceca Bristol as the dynamo is scarcely adequate for more powerful headlamp bulbs, electric fan, wipers plus the ipad running a timer function etc.
   I'm worried about the downsides of the extra current though - has anyone any experience of this and is the higher amperage (45 vs 25amps) a problem eg will it damage the ammeter or require higher spec. cable to take the extra current?