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Topics - Mark-Anthony

I've only just seen this, my apologies if ya'll know about it already.
   Hot stuff though.
   CRS #22
General Forum / Woodies
August 03, 2009, 09:54:28
Have just seen in ACOC 60th Anniversary magazine, on page 26, a picture of an AC Two Litre "woody" ("woodie"?).  What a cracking car!
   Do any still exist?
Sorry if y'all have already seen this but £55,000?
   Seems cheap to me.
   On Ebay - natch.
Hi Guys,
   I have discovered that as the new motor in my CRS puts out considerably more power than the old one it also uses more fuel.  (Can't say that caught me by surprise.)
   As every CRS owner knows the fuel gauge in the CRS is a pathalogical liar and is only really honest when it tells you that it's nearly empty.
   So . . .
   I have thought about putting a bigger fuel tank into my car together with a good sender unit.  Has anyone else done this yet?
   Unless it has already been done before it will become a financial possibility if (and only if) I can get at least another 5 (preferably 10) CRS owners to join in th project.
   Anyone already done it?
   Anyone interested in doing it?
   Having FINALLY got my CRS back on the road complete with new, and very much more powerful engine, I have encountered a problem.
   I'd very much like to put it on a Rolling Road and find out just how much power it now develops.  Sadly, as it weighs only slightly more than a gnat's whisker the two Rolling Roads it has been on have been unable to deal with it.  The problem is that as it gets up towards its serious power (over 300bhp & 300 lbs/ft) it does all it can to leave the RR at some speed!
   Its been on a RR at Geoff Jeals (now in the USA - good) and at Tuning Japanese (Guildford - brilliant) and it both places it was strapped down and had people in it (even one in the boot!) but it still tried to crawl or jump off the rollers.  It was judged, unsuprisingly, to be too dangerous to continue.
   Anyone got any ideas as to where I can get the damn thing checked.  I condsider taking the motor out and bench testing it as a very last resort.
   Any ideas?
428 Frua Forum / Spinners/Changing wheels
June 06, 2008, 11:14:07
   I noticed, as perhaps you all did, that Gerry Hawkridge is selling a BRILLIANT piece of kit for changing Halibrands.  I spotted it in the "Garage Gear" section in the current edition of Classic and Sports Car.
   Rather than smacking one of the lobes of the spinner with a hammer (possibly even in the right direction!) and hopefully without breaking it, denting the car or damaging anything else in the vicinity Gerry has come up with a brilliant tool.
   It is a "shroud" that fits over the spinner and takes the drive from a socket set (1" but he has converters) so you just put it on add your socket driver and turn in the direction illustrated on the tool.
   Goddammitt even I can understand that!
   It would appear that everyone else does too because I called him this morning (Hawk Cars - 01892 750 282) and he's sold out.  New stock ordered.  Due to the price that his supplier is charging him I couldn't get a Club Discount.
   It's not cheap (£240) but if you've got spinners (and its 2am and pouring - it probably will be) you probably need one.  If like me you can't wield a hammer and don't know your left from your right or clockwise from counter-clockwise then you can't live without one.
   CRS #22
General Forum / Spinners/Changing Wheels
June 06, 2008, 11:12:39
   I noticed, as perhaps you all did, that Gerry Hawkridge is selling a BRILLIANT piece of kit for changing Halibrands.  I spotted it in the "Garage Gear" section in the current edition of Classic and Sports Car.
   Rather than smacking one of the lobes of the spinner with a hammer (possibly even in the right direction!) and hopefully without breaking it, denting the car or damaging anything else in the vicinity Gerry has come up with a brilliant tool.
   It is a "shroud" that fits over the spinner and takes the drive from a socket set (1" but he has converters) so you just put it on add your socket driver and turn in the direction illustrated on the tool.
   Goddammitt even I can understand that!
   It would appear that everyone else does too because I called him this morning (Hawk Cars - 01892 750 282) and he's sold out.  New stock ordered.  Due to the price that his supplier is charging him I couldn't get a Club Discount.
   It's not cheap (£240) but if you've got spinners (and its 2am and pouring - it probably will be) you probably need one.  If like me you can't wield a hammer and don't know your left from your right, or clockwise from counter-clockwise then you can't live without one.
   CRS #22
   I noticed, as perhaps you all did, that Gerry Hawkridge is selling a BRILLIANT piece of kit for changing Halibrands.  I spotted it in the "Garage Gear" section in the current edition of Classic and Sports Car.
   Rather than smacking one of the lobes of the spinner with a hammer (possibly even in the right direction!) and hopefully without breaking it, denting the car or damaging anything else in the vicinity Gerry has come up with a brilliant tool.
   It is a "shroud" that fits over the spinner and takes the drive from a socket set (1" but he has converters) so you just put it on add your socket driver and turn in the direction illustrated on the tool.
   Goddammitt even I can understand that!
   It would appear that everyone else does too because I called him this morning (Hawk Cars - 01892 750 282) and he's sold out.  New stock ordered.  Due to the price that his supplier is charging him I couldn't get a Club Discount.
   It's not cheap (£240) but if you've got spinners (and its 2am and pouring - it probably will be) you probably need one.  If like me you can't wield a hammer and don't know your left from your right or clockwise from counter-clockwise then you can't live without one.
   CRS #22
   Does anyone know of a specialist (please God in Surrey) who can re-programme/update an EMU on a rather modified CRS 5.0l motor.  The new one I have had fitted cuts the motor once it's warmed up and you come to a stop.  i.e.  It won't idle and it won't restart, at least not until it's cooled - long wait.
   The guy who fitted it, and set it up (Gloucester), is finding it very difficult to get to the car (Guildford), and I don't want to trailer the thing across the country again.
Nice package
   Nice Price
   You could probably split it for spares and make a profit
   Not my cup of Tea though
428 Frua Forum / CF 59
January 07, 2008, 11:43:10
   I have managed to get to drive one of these bloody lovely cars!
   CF 59 is a late RHD car, first registered in 1971, a coupe, with the later dash, 8 track stereo, no air con, and it is fitted with an auto box, which sadly refused to kick down when I drove it.  Kickdown cable needed adjusting I suspect - certainly nothing major.  It needs kickdown - badly - bit of a slug without.
   I Loved it and I now know that I really do want one, I may have to sell the house but hey . . .
   The car, and I assume all of them, corners well and very accurately, it does hich up its skirts and move if down shifted (manually here) and it feels tight and secure.  Does require a bit of a heave to stop it quickly though, mind you my Ghibli did too.  It is, as I hoped, comfortable and I think it would make an absolutely spiffing Grand Tourer - what.
   I'll bet if fettled it would scare the bejesus out of a few hot hatches too.
   The tired paint is VERY VERY RED, whose shade can only be described as 'whore red'.
   The car is in Great Britain and the owner has asked to remain anonymous.
   (Damn but you 428 owners are secretive.  I have now found four missing cars: CF 38, CF 49, CF 55 and CF 59 and all the owners wish to remain anonymous - what are you hiding - apart from your cars?)
   PS.  Do let me know if you want any other missing 428s found won't you?  Yes I'm feeling very bloody smug!
428 Frua Forum / CF 49
January 07, 2008, 10:37:03
This car, a RHD auto coupe, is currently stripped to components and in mid-rebuild, the standard will, I know, be better than new.
   The body is a work of art:- the straight lines are as if by laser and the curves are by Playboy and all the panels fit!
   It is close to going to the paint shop - colour undecided.  (I will let you know when:- a) I know, and, b) I have permission to tell you lot.)
   This car is in Great Britain and the owner, like the owner of CF 38, wishes to remain anonymous.
428 Frua Forum / CF 38
January 07, 2008, 10:20:41
It was my recent pleasure to view CF 38.  It is a RHD, silver coupe with an auto box.  It has been lowered and had a few other fast-road mods (wider wheels, straight-thru pipes, etc).  It sounds like a WWII ground attack aircraft!
   The paintwork is a work of art, it's so deep it looks as though you could stand on the roof and swan dive into the bonnet.  The interior is immaculate and you could, without fear, eat off the rocker covers.
   (There are still marks on it where I drooled and drooled and drooled.)
   The car is in Great Britain.
428 Frua Forum / Cobra/428
January 04, 2008, 11:25:44
Hi Guys,
   Don't shoot the messenger but it looks like another 428 has become a "Cobra".  I found this on the web and have looked no further into it.
If anyone is interested there's one for sale on E-bay item number:- 230091065738
   Brand new and appears unmarked
If anyone's interested there's an original Autocraft Mk IV owners handbook for sale on e-bay:-  230091065738
General Forum / Cobra Tool Kit
January 23, 2007, 11:33:21
Hi Guys
   I recently spotted, and bought, a "genuine" AC Cobra toolkit on E-bay.  This "genuine" kit contains: a set of Snap-on tools (spanners, screw-driver, pliers. pressure gauge) and a wire pliers, cotton gloves and hand wipes.  It comes in a leather tool roll emossed with the correct AC logo and the name Autocraft below the AC logo.  A fine and professional tool kit.
   Whether it's actually worth the £280 I finally spent on it is anyone's guess (except my wife who is - as yet - uninformed!)  Please feel free to laugh at my credulity!
   Can anyone tell me if AC did make/supply/provide/sell tool kits?  I'm unsure if I bought a "lemon".  Still, worst come to worst, I've now got a decent, if expensive, tool kit for the boot of the Cobra.
   I'll glady post photos of it if some-one can tell me how this is done.
   CRS #22
General Forum / Very Cheap '98 ACE
October 30, 2006, 17:07:04
Hi Guys
   I have just spotted an automatic 1998 ACE on Autotrader for £15/16,000 (I forget which). Great looking car.  Full service history with AC and Redline, owner's had it 3 years and done 3,000 miles.   It's done 24,000 total.
   He says he's just bought another sports car so the AC's got to go.  I have spoken to the vendor and he says he'll put it back in Autotrader's next issue for £14,500 and he'll go no lower.  He tells me that he's put it in Autotrader on and off for a year now.
   Me?  I'd offer him £12,000 in notes and see how he twiches.  He currently runs a Ferrari so I don't think he needs the money.  If I had a more tolerant wife (or a garage she didn't know about) I'd buy the damn thing myself.
   If any of you lot buy it after this posting you'll owe me a beer!
Hey Guys
   Would any CRS owners be interested in getting together for a CRS Owners Track Day?
   Enough CRS Owners and I'll organise it.
   CRS #22