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Topics - A-Snake

Wanted to buy one or two  original S1CS-19523-C Cobra emblems. Not interested in reproductions. These were used on 289 Cobras beginning at about CSX2133 and continued until the end of 289 Cobra production. They must be complete and in excellent to NOS condition.

I would also have interest in a C3RA-14225-A emblems for a friend. These were used on 427 Cobras. Again they should be complete and in excellent to NOS condition. No reproductions please.

Photo credit for this photo goes to Dan Case.

You can PM me here or email at
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Cobras in the snow
September 20, 2017, 17:13:32
See YouTube video below.
   Proof they can be driven in the snow.
Blockley has some new radial sizes available including 205/70 VR15"
   Thinking of these as an alternative to the XWX's. Has anyone tried the Blockley radials?
The English guy lives near Le Bugue in the Dordogne and at the time he was stopped he was as drunk as a skunk!
   The gendarme signals to him to wind down the window then asks him if he has been drinking, and with a slurring speech the English guy replies; 'Yes, this morning I was at my (hic)..daughter's wedding, and as I don't like church much I went to the cafe opposite and had several beers.'
   'Then during the wedding banquet I seem to remember downing three great bottles of wine; (hic)... A corbieres, a Minervois and (hic)...a Faugeres.'
   'Then to finish off during the celebrations.... And (hic) during the evening and my mate downed two bottles of Johnny Walker's black label.'
   Getting impatient the gendarme warns him; 'Do you understand I'm a policeman and have stopped you for an alcohol test'?
    The Englishman with a grin on his face replies; 'Do you understand that I'm English, like my car, and that my wife is sitting in the other seat, at the steering wheel?'
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Colorado Tour
October 04, 2013, 23:54:50
The Nor'easter Tour had rain, the Colorado Tour had HARD rain.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / Nor'easter Tour
September 18, 2013, 15:01:57
Taken at the Owl's Head Museum in Maine.
Here is an interesting tread on the SAAC forum. The original Cobra FIA Homologation forms have surfaced.
428 Frua Forum / Cobra Tour
September 25, 2010, 22:01:56
Thought some of you would enjoy a shot of 24 of the 30 Cobras that attended our 1000 mile ride on "America's most beautiful roads"
   Trevor, You missed a good one this year [;)]
   This road was the exception [:I]
428 Frua Forum / Elliot or Beclawat Windscreens?
January 15, 2010, 21:48:15
Somewhere along the production of the CSX2xxx and the CSX3xxx Cobras the manufacturer of windscreens changed from Elliot to Beclawat.
   Does anyone know when this change occured? It is thought, but not confirmed, that all CSX2xxx had Elliot screens and all CSX3xxx had Beclawat screens. What did the COB & COX cars have?
   Any input is appreciated. Thanks
General Forum / ACtion article by Trevor
October 17, 2009, 17:23:21
Has everyone here seen the October issue with Trevor's article on the Cobra Tour?
Used on Aces & Cobras. Only interested in original ones. Please contact me with any leads on finding them. Thank you.
General Forum / Go Like A.J. Baime
July 04, 2009, 16:13:00
I just finishing reading this book over the course of two days. It's one of those books you just do not want to put down. For those that have not heard about it, it's about the Ford, Ferrari battle at Lemans.
   It does have a sad ending, IMO.
   I'd liked it but would like to hear the opinions of others.
AC Cobras used a chrome bracket that held a rubber bumper to keep the top of the side curtains positioned correctly. They were mounted to the windshield frame with a single screw.
   Were these used on other AC's? If so, does anyone know who can provide them? If they were used by other AC's and there isn't a source, would anyone be interested in a pair if they were to be produced again?

I am looking for an original 4 bladed fan blade that came on 289 Cobras. Many were removed by original owners after the break-in period. Most had the tips of the blades painted yellow. Would prefer an unrestored example but would consider a restored one.