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Topics - galfredus

Evening all,

I can report that GC8609 is back on the road and making (mostly) all the right noises.  I'm being gentle with the newly-rebuilt engine till it's properly run in, and finding a Vintage AC6 a fun thing to drive.

This car was fitted with triple SUs in the 1950s.  The carbs are quite worn, and I'm getting a fair amount of fuel standoff from the air intakes.  In the long-term (and given the cost of a new set of SUs) I'm thinking about changing it back to the original Stromberg set-up.

Does anyone have any views on that, and does anyone have an old stromberg/manifold on the shelf?

Many thanks,

AC Weller Engine / Lucas E418 Dynamo
June 09, 2020, 10:42:45
Hello all,

Just getting my car (1929 Aceca) ready for the road, finally.  The dynamo that came with it (Lucas E418) appears to be correct, but does not fit; the shaft is too long and fouls the mating flange inside the engine.  On dismantling, it has a nasty crack in the engine side flange, and still has a three brush set-up.  The car has a voltage regulator on it.  So clearly this is not the right dynamo for my car - possibly came off an Austin or something.  Given the work necessary to repair it and make it fit, I'm wondering whether better to look for another dynamo, off an AC.  Does anyone have such on their shelf?  Would also consider parts - the correct armature shaft would be a good start.

Many thanks for your helps.

07980 695 385
Another question from galfredus I'm afraid...
I know from my Austin Seven experience that there are many answers to this question. My ac comes with a 3 brush dynamo and a Lucas r106 regulator (or postwar replacement for an old cutout). I'm pondering three options. Either revert to a prewar single bobbin cutout for max authenticity. Or do a proper two brush conversion, either with a better mechanical regulator With compensated voltage control. Or put some electronics in. I am undecided which way to jump and would appreciate any experience.

Another one from me, different subject so I thought another post - if that's annoying, let me know...

My car is fitted with a distributor rather than a magneto.  I understand this is probably correct for a 1929 car, but the distributor is a later auto-advance type, whereas my car has a manual control lever.  I wonder whether anyone can tell me what is the correct model of distributor for this car?

The Dynamo fabric coupling is very worn and needs to be replaced.  I reckon I should be able to make one easily enough, but what material should I use?  I've found a phenolic cotton laminate, but this will only stand temperatures up to 130C.  I know that should be enough, but it doesn't feel like a huge margin of safety when the engine and dynamo are working hard.  What about Nylon?  That stands higher temperatures and is probably stronger.  Again, any advice gratefully received.

Many thanks,

Hello all,

I now have my 1929 6 back, duly mechanically fettled, and I'm turning my attention to the little jobs left before I can get it back on the road.  I'm missing some control linkages.  The hand throttle lever terminates at the end of the steering column with a lever with a ball on the end.  There is a yoke attached to the cross shaft on the bulkhead, to which I'm guessing this needs to be attached, but I don't know how its done.  Can anyone send me a photo of theirs?  Similarly, I have the bulkhead bit of the ignition control mechanism, but not the linkage from this to the steering column, or the other end where it attaches to the magneto/distributor.

All assistance gratefully received!

Dear All,

I need to get an exhaust for my '29 Six (Aceca).  Can anyone advise on how to go about this?  I've been told that the system for a Triumph Spitfire is suitable.  The engine is running on triple SUs but is otherwise original.

Many thanks,

Hello All,
I was hoping to bring my AC to Audley End on Sunday, but it's not going to be ready (new halfshaft currently on the lathe...), so I'll be trundling down sedately in my Austin Seven.  It would be good to put some faces to names and have the chance to talk to other vintage AC owners.  Are any intending to attend?  Hope to meet some of you on Sunday.

Evening all,

I'm seeking some reassurance from more experienced members re the steering boxes on vintage ACs. In one of the docs in the members area the AC steering box is described as a close copy of the Marles of the period. (Interesting note, if my researches are correct, John Weller's brother was involved in the design of the Marles box).

Im also an Alvis enthusiast, and a Marles box was used on later vintage Alvises. A few years ago there was veritable panic among the membership of the Alvis register regarding hidden cracking of the shaft inside the steering box.

My (obvious) question is: Is the AC steering box known to have similar problems?

All guidance gratefully received.

AC Weller Engine / Sourcing new pistons and liners
February 09, 2019, 15:24:45
Hello all,
My 1929 AC six engine is now reduced to its component parts. All is good so far, apart from the pistons and liners, which are really too old and worn to be worth re-installing.  I would be grateful for any advice fellow members have on the best sources for pistons and liners, and what compression ratio I should be aiming for in the former.

