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Topics - aaron

I have a pair of weekend tickets for sale for the Masters Series May 26 / 27th 2018 .Will take £40 for the pair
I recently photographed a Daytona Cobra owned by Leo Voyazides, the car is classed as a "continuation" car , which was built from scratch by the guys who looks after his cars, but has a chassis no ,which was apparently bought from Carroll Shelby many years ago ! So what is this car ? A built from scrath continuation replica ? [:(]
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / COX6010
April 28, 2014, 18:37:49
This car was cut up to repair CSX2142
   So I wonder how much this replica will go for at auction ?
   Privateer-entry AC Cobra an early addition to Artcurial's Le Mans Classic auction
   12 April 2014
   Artcurial has announced the fitting inclusion of a 1964 AC Cobra 289 – the very car in which a pair of gentlemen racers campaigned the entire 1964 Le Mans 24 Hours – in its sale at the Le Mans Classic, taking place in July 2014...
   In the mid-60s, there were plenty of amateur racers competing in the Le Mans 24 Hours – and two such individuals with the means to do so were Count Jean de Mortemart (descended from a noble line of French aristocrats) and Régis Fraissinet (the heir to a dynasty of industrialists). In search of a respite from the monotony of everyday life, the duo bought a 1964 AC Cobra 289 – chassis #COX6010 – and steered it to an 18th place finish. "There are those who like to play tennis and those who prefer golf," proclaimed Fraissinet. "I play tennis and golf but, most of all, I prefer to race cars..."
   The plucky privateers' Cobra is an early entry in Artcurial's sale at the Le Mans Classic, taking place 4-6 July 2014. Its estimate has not yet been revealed.
Cobra (Thames Ditton) Forum / CSX2268 How Original ?
February 28, 2014, 21:12:55
The car came over from the States, in pretty  original very tired condition, I wonder how original the car is now ?
General Forum / AC Ace and Cobra on ebay
April 07, 2008, 17:34:48
I found this book on ebay if anyone is interested.
   Original Ac Ace and Cobra (Full Color Restoration Gui.. Item number: 250207562822
   Buy It Now
     price:  US $539.88 (Approximately £270.66).........[:0][:0][:0]