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Topics - nikbj68

There`s a photo of an Ace at speed, although misdescribed as a Cobra, here on EBAY at the moment. [edit] Now updated by seller with the information I found.[:D]
   According to the seller of the photo, the registration number is no longer on the DVLA database, but what of the Ace itself?
   The Ace Register shows it as being AE108, owned & raced by K.Davies,
   Ken, any chance of an update since This post? [;)]

   Brighton and Hove Motor Club needs our support to Save the Brighton Speed Trials.
   They are under threat from Brighton and Hove Council (the only Green council in Britain ), who want to refuse permission and block the event taking place on the seafront.
   You may not be aware but the Speed Trials has been running in Brighton since 1905 and is an entertaining fun-packed day out for the whole family to watch some of the UK 's best race cars and motor bikes compete along Madeira Drive . Over 200 cars and motor bikes line up to take a timed run. including road cars, race cars and drag bikes who compete to win the fastest in their class. A top 6 run-off, to find the fastest car and bike, brings the day to a dramatic close.
    You can help by signing our petition and sharing THIS LINK with friends:
   Brighton have made doing so as difficult as possible by requiring you to register with an e-mail address (which only receives a council-speak e-mail) and a password that is a minimum of 6 characters, including a capital letter and a number, but don't be deterred. This is an important principle.
   Don't delay; the council will be making a decision on 23 January 2014!
   Don't let the council block the event, please sign the petition and spread the word.
   This e-mail is being sent by The GT40 Enthusiasts Club.
    Tony Hunt
    Editor, Fortyfication
    GT40 Enthusiasts Club
General Forum / Save Brighton Speed Trials!!!
December 23, 2013, 20:10:07

   Brighton and Hove Motor Club needs our support to Save the Brighton Speed Trials.
   They are under threat from Brighton and Hove Council (the only Green council in Britain ), who want to refuse permission and block the event taking place on the seafront.
   You may not be aware but the Speed Trials has been running in Brighton since 1905 and is an entertaining fun-packed day out for the whole family to watch some of the UK 's best race cars and motor bikes compete along Madeira Drive . Over 200 cars and motor bikes line up to take a timed run. including road cars, race cars and drag bikes who compete to win the fastest in their class. A top 6 run-off, to find the fastest car and bike, brings the day to a dramatic close.
    You can help by signing our petition and sharing THIS LINK with friends:
   Brighton have made doing so as difficult as possible by requiring you to register with an e-mail address (which only receives a council-speak e-mail) and a password that is a minimum of 6 characters, including a capital letter and a number, but don't be deterred. This is an important principle.
   Don't delay; the council will be making a decision on 23 January 2014!
   Don't let the council block the event, please sign the petition and spread the word.
   This e-mail is being sent by The GT40 Enthusiasts Club.
    Tony Hunt
    Editor, Fortyfication
    GT40 Enthusiasts Club
1955 AC-engined Aceca going under the hammer in the Coys True Greats sale at the RHS, London, on the 3rd of December.
Despite being listed in the Registry as dark blue with dark blue interior, the very red AK1272 (1989) is coming up for auction (again) in December, guide price £65-75,000.
   Full details on the COYS True Greats, RHS, London website.
   Does anyone recall if it sold or at what price last year, and was it still blue then?
   Also in the same auction, but guided at £48-£60k is a 1955 AC-engined Aceca, I can see both of these going over estimate, and I think I`d be driving home with a roof over my head if I had the readies to go bidding!
For those of us who cannot attend the revival this year, the Goodwood spin-off site Fortyone-Six dot com are streaming the entire Revival 'Big-Screen' feed live!
   Click on the badge below to go the site:
   All 3 days, from first fire-up until the last garland is presented. Almost as good as being there.
   (No. No it bloody isn`t! [:(] But if we can`t be there, it`s some consolation.)
   My apologies if this service is unavailable outside of the UK.
I was recently contacted by the owner of Ace Bristol BE173, registration number 4 BPG.
   having checked the registry, it appears that it was 'ex-works' on the same day as BE212, 5 BPG, making them almost twins!!!
   Below are photos from Jan in the Czech Republic, and the email he sent me:
   "Dear Nik, This thread of 5 BPG is really beautiful. So I would like to have about my 4BPG.
   I bought my AC Ace Bristol chassis No. BE 173 in 2002 from Nick Faure in Dorchester with Reg. No. 4BPG on the car. I was pleased about that, because the Reg. No. 4BPG is part of the cars history since very beginning and will be in the future.
   I restored the car for a few following years. The restoration works were very demanding, because 10 years ago were in Czech Republic just few people, which even new that such car as AC Ace is even existing, the less so they had important informations or spare parts. I thing the outcome is nice and there is nothing to be ashamed of. (see a few pics)
   At the beginning I was member of ACOC, but I am no more. It was difficult for me to take part at club events in England, because of distance and time. I took part at AC Ace 50 th anniversary meeting in Donington 2003, but only as spectator. It was nice experience.
   Now to my questions:
  • 1.
       I know just names of previous owners, but it will be interesting to know something about early history of this car (maybe racing history) in 50´s, 60´s, contemporary photos or written referencies
  • 2.
       Was there any connection between 4BPG and 5BPG cars? Does have BPG some meaning in english?
  • 3.
       Where can I find out what hapenned wih Reg. No. 4BPG. I hope it wasn´t misused.

   I have letter from Tony Bancroft, who writes me, that he has confirmation from Nick Faure, previous owner, that this Reg. No. will retain with car.
   Any help from you will be very welcome.
   Best regards, Jan Klapa
Silverstone Classic, ITV4, 9pm, Thursday 15th August 2013.
   Yes, tomorrow night. Set your Sky planners or Betamax Sony C7 to record an hour( minus adverts!) of classic Silverstone action!!! [8D]
The listing reads:
   The description:
   SIZE 110MM X 80MM X 3MM

   (Click pic to go to listing)
   I think it`s fair to say that one could find an unused EnAmelled 1960`s ACOC badge in a drawer, but "Jaffa2711" has sold at least 4 to my knowledge over the last few months, all with the same photo, and appears to be in the business of selling enamel badges.
   Smell something?
   Caveat Emptor. [;)]
...From The Independent Newspaper:
   The good news: an AC Cobra is up for sale. The bad news: you can't afford it. By Phil Llewellin
   Oh, did I mention, this was from December 1995? [;)]
   It would appear that it only made bottom estimate, too! What a bargain. [:0]
Posted for & on behalf of Edward Kettell:
   "I have just recently come across some photographs of my grand parents, in what I believe to be an A.C. roadster.
   I believe them to have been taken around 1928.
   The registration number is XH 3259.
   I am writing to ask if the club has any other knowledge of this car, or other information that may be of interest to the family.
   Thank you in advance for your assistance.
   Yours faithfully Edward Kettell.


   What fantastic photos, Edward, let`s hope that someone can enlighten us about your Grandparents` wonderful AC!
In the February 2013 edition of Classic & Sportscar, Julian Balme names Bill Bridges as his Hero of the Year for being the only UK Cobra owner to take his Cobra(The Hairy Canary) to the Monterey Historics AND fly it back to the UK in time for the Goodwood Revival`s Shelby Cup race. [8D]

   (Photo credit: Marshall Pruett. Click pic for more great shots on SPEEDTV.COM)

   Congratulations Bill, and of course, Caroline & Sam Smart and everyone involved with your racing; your attendance of so many events is greatly appreciated by those of us who come out (in all weathers, sometimes!) for our Cobra fix! [8D][:D]
See thread in General Forum
General Forum / Barn Find Ace, Aceca & Greyhound
November 13, 2012, 08:59:01
Oh my Lord!!!! They keep turning up!
   Although not 'lost' and all known to the ACOC, three AC`s that have not turned a wheel since 1972 have come into the light, courtesy of Kevin Kivlochan.
   They include a 1957 Ace with a rich racing history including wins at Prescott, Oulton Park, Mallory Park, Goodwood, Snetterton, Silverstone, Weston and Loton Park.
   There is also an Aceca, which was bought by a Dr Humprhies in 1955 and raced at Brands Hatch in 1956. It is a two-owner car and comes with its original logbook plus the numberplate – SOC 1.
   And a 1962 Bristol-powered Greyhound that has also only had two owners recorded in its original logbook and has a fantastic interior.
   On top of that, two AC 2-litre engines, four gearboxes and various carburettors were found with the cars.
   All except for the Ace are up for sale, contact Kevin for details.
   See feature on Classic & Sportscar`s website.
General Forum / Cobra in the RAC foyer, Pall Mall
November 13, 2012, 01:31:21
One of the AC Owners` Club`s foremost ambassadors has been given the honour of displaying his MkIV Cobra in the grand entrance of the Royal Automobile Club`s Headquarters in Pall Mall, London, to coincide with the Cobra`s 50th anniversary & to commemorate the passing of Carroll Shelby.
   Click HERE to see the installation.


   OR, a Quick version here [8D]
   It has been a busy year, as "TACO" made a 2000-mile trip via Spain to Monaco for the Historic GP weekend and
   Attended the Double 12 at Brooklands:
   (by jamesst1968 on Flickr)
   Despite breaking a half-shaft competing on the Test Hill John posted FTD in the event.
   The half-shaft was repaired just in time for a week at the Le Mans Classic:
   (There was even time for a renaming ceremony!)
   There was also a full day`s filming for The Discovery Channel`s Wheeler Dealers series. And no. It wasn`t John`s immaculate MkIV that needed Edd China`s TLC!
   Setting up at the RAC HQ in Pall Mall required a 5:00am start time. The team at Pall Mall have moved approximately 400 display vehicles in and out and were very well practised at building the ramp and removing the revolving doors. Health and Safety no longer permit cars to be driven up the ramp into the Rotunda which was probably a good thing as the sound of TACO on tick-over would not have been a welcome alarm call for the guests sleeping two floors above!!
   After the RAC residence has come to an end in a week or so, it will be time for a well-earned winter break for this much campaigned Cob. [8D]
A bargain, considering the spec! Sadly, now sold!![;)]
   Ad from Keith`s archive, Northwest Sportscar News, March, 1961:
Classic Car Weekly, issue 1148
    26th September 2012 has a number of AC related pieces, including:
  • ACtion magazine (with Richard Wright`s flying Cobra at Cholmondeley on the cover) named as Club Mag of the week. Well done Terry! [:D]
  • AC Ace Auction price analysis.
  • Tony Bancroft at speed in 5BPG at the Harewood Sprint.

   Also, I`m sure Peter d R-H`s Superblower is in a photo too!
   Not AC related, but the feature on the filming of 'Ronin' is a very good read too!
For a Supermodel, it`s Vogue, for a Rock band it`s Rolling Stone...
   Kevin hit`s the top step of coffee table-gracing greatness with a stunning studio session & article on COB 6008!
   Click the pic to get a preview of the Magazine on the MotorSport website:
How Cool.
An excellent Phil Riley Video of the day that Jack Sears, Bruce Ropner, Keith Schellenberg and COB6008 were reunited at Croft.
   Heaven. Pure Heaven!
Reports from, and with thanks to, Russell Brown at ONI.
   Hi everybody,
   The 2012 Tour Auto is underway with Sean Lynn driving and Kevin Kivlochan navigating the Cobra again this year. It's the fifth time they have competed in the event with a win in 2009 in the Ford GT but forced to retire whilst leading the race in 2008, 2010 and 2011 in the Cobra. They have never won in the Cobra so fourth time lucky? Last year it was the broken wishbone on the front suspension that put them out of the race. Let's all hope that this year they fare better.
   The car is AC Cobra - 644 CGT (Chassis No 2130). Chassis 2130 was the one-off Willment Team Cobra raced in period by Bob Olthoff, amongst others, and more widely known as the "Le Mans Prototype".
   The cars all went on display in the Grand Palais in Paris on Sunday and Monday – a change from the open Jardin des Tuileries in previous years. Over 10,000 visitors were there to look at the cars and chat with the competitors. A couple of photos are attached of the Cobra and a batch of £1M+ Ferraris.


   The schedule for this year takes the cars from Paris to the finishing line in Nice on Saturday with timed stages on both roads and race tracks along the way.
   [edit by Nik]You can follow the action via the official  Tour Auto 2012 website, but I can`t find any TV coverage in the UK this year. [end edit]
   So here's the news from Day 1 on the Road – Tuesday 17th
   The cars left Paris early in the morning with drivers gathering from 6am for a Police escort to the real starting point about an hour out of the city at the Chateau de Vaux le Vicomte (used in the 007 film "A View to a Kill"). Setting off for Beaune with a track stage at Dijon Prenois on the way there was a special stage at La Puisaye where Sean and Kevin finished 6th. The Ludovic Caron Cobra (No 200) was in fifth and the team comprising Mark Freeman and Duncan Freeman in the 210 Cobra finished an impressive 2nd. The first and third places were taken by Porsche 911s.
   At the Dijon circuit it was a very different story with the Porsches slipping right down the rankings and four Cobras in the top ten. Sean and Kevin finished 3rd at Dijon after 8 laps of the track with the Freeman Cobra in 8th . Ludovic Caron's Cobra was 6th and the winner of the stage was Jean-Marc Merlin in the number 208 Cobra. A good day all round which left these four Cobras dominating the Top 5 places at the end of the first day in the following order:
   1st – Lynn/Kivlochan Cobra
   2nd – Merlin/Roche Cobra – 4 secs behind leader
   3rd – Kohler/Laboise Lotus Elan – 16 secs behind leader
   4th – Caron/David Cobra – 21 secs behind leader
   5th – Freeman/Freeman Cobra – 32 secs behind leader.
   It's still very early in the race with the top 7 cars all within a minute of Sean and Kevin.
   Today the drivers left Beaune to get to Aix les Bains via the Bresse circuit and I will send out the news as I get it along with any more photos.
   Thanks, Russ