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Topics - cobham cobra

General Forum / Classic vehicles and the EU
February 22, 2008, 11:15:19
This may be a storm in a teacup.
   But just in case it is not please think about signing the e-petition below.
   If nothing else than to promote the issue...
   It seems the bureaucrats of Europe are trying to stop us using our
   cars. Vehicles over 10 years old are at risk.
   Several EU proposals across the years have been a threat to the
   classic car movement. One currently under consideration is to ban
   the use of cars older than 10 years[:(]. Similarly, Edinburgh City
   Council is considering banning cars over 15 years from the city
   These, and similar proposals, directly threaten the classic car
   movement and encourage the manufacture of new cars, with the
   attending environmental issues of sourcing raw materials,
   manufacturing and distributing of new cars and scrapping older cars.
   The way govenments/EU like to chip away at our freedoms we
   could end up with expensive scrap in our garages and
   watching DVD's of what it used to be like to drive a classic car.
   Please sign the e-petition and spread the word.[:(!][:(!]
   The address is
I thought those interested in the Ace may like to know that I have just received the October edition of Octane magazine and there is a five page article on the Belgian racing Ace BEX 135.
   I have also resently noticed BEX 293 is for sale at Wykehams
This is also on the gerneral forum.
   The A1GP will be racing at Brands Hatch on Sunday 29th April. The organisers are planning a "best of British" to drive around the (Indy) track prior to the main race and have already lined up Lotus, Jag, TVR and Minis. I have contacted the marketing company and they would be interested in having AC cars participate in the event. The up side is that each car will get two tickets to watch the race, a reserved area to park our cars and we get to drive round Brands (slowly). We have also been offered the opportunity to have a club stand in the public area if we want it but this will have to be manned by club members so I'm not sure if anyone would want to do that ? There will also be a live TV broadcast of the event. The down side is that they will want all participants to be at the track the evening before the event for a rehearsal then come back the following day. I don't think we will get any special access privileges or hospitality, but the invitation is open to any and all AC models - so is anyone interested in this ? Please let me know and I'll get back to the organisers with a yes or no etc.
   Thanks - John.
General Forum / A1GP at Brands Hatch 29 April
March 30, 2007, 13:53:48
The A1GP will be racing at Brands Hatch on Sunday 29th April. The organisers are planning a "best of British" to drive around the (Indy) track prior to the main race and have already lined up Lotus, Jag, TVR and Minis. I have contacted the marketing company and they would be interested in having AC cars participate in the event. The up side is that each car will get two tickets to watch the race, a reserved area to park our cars and we get to drive round Brands (slowly). We have also been offered the opportunity to have a club stand in the public area if we want it but this will have to be manned by club members so I'm not sure if anyone would want to do that ? There will also be a live TV broadcast of the event. The down side is that they will want all participants to be at the track the evening before the event for a rehearsal then come back the following day. I don't think we will get any special access privileges or hospitality, but the invitation is open to any and all AC models - so is anyone interested in this ? Please let me know and I'll get back to the organisers with a yes or no etc.
   Thanks - John.
Goodwood Sunday Breakfast Club
   4th March - The quintessential British sports car and motor cycle
   This may be of interest to those of us in the south of England, the following is from  James MacNaughton, Club Secretary of the Goodwood Road Racing Club.
   Last year Goodwood introduced the Goodwood Breakfast Club targeted at those who appreciate a fabulous breakfast of a Sunday morning, savoured after an inspiring drive on some of Britain's most wonderful roads. Goodwood is set in the middle of  beautiful countryside and as a road trip destination it's hard to beat. Add Goodwood Motor Circuit's sumptuous Vitra Café into the mix serving our own organic home reared food, and the combination is perfect for the best of Sunday morning jaunts. We hope that these informal events will provide the perfect forum for like minded enthusiasts to meet up. We just need your club members to know about it!
   The Breakfast Club is open from 08:30hrs to midday on the first Sunday of every month from 4 March through to 7 October 2007 (except September). Each Sunday will be themed (see attached schedule), with the appropriate vehicles parked outside the Vitra Café situated in the Old Control Tower. As you can see from our website, some of our themed days are more appropriate to the ACOC than others. However, vehicles that do not fit in with the theme for the day are more than welcome to come along, an alternative parking location will be provided within the Motor Circuit. This year it is planned for a handful of specialists for parts and accessories matching each theme to attend the event.
   All are welcome to attend and all they will need to bring is their vehicle and their appetite!
   For more info visit
   and have a look at the following link to see what the March '06 event looked like.
   FYI - I attended a few of these events last year and they can be good fun at a good location, the main downside is the weather. If it's wet and windy it's not much fun standing in the rain getting cold and wet.
   Hope to see you there - John.
General Forum / Road pricing in the UK
December 21, 2006, 10:59:58
As no one appears to be interested in this topic I have deleted it.
September 22, 2006, 11:43:09
Members of started a collection for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Charity yesterday morning (21 Sept) following The Hamster's horrendous 300mph crash at Elvington and and so far the donations total £42,000
   The Yorkshire Air Ambulance, airlifted the stricken Top Gear presenter from the scene of the crash to the Leeds General Infirmary.
   Initiator of the donation Alex Goss said: "This huge level of response has gone way past initial expectations and has paid for over 45 flights of the helicopter in the future. The aim now is to pay for 75 flights of this essential service".
   Jeremy Clarkson is reported to have said, after a visit to Hammond's bedside: "He was lying peacefully with a black eye but didn't react so I tried something else. I said, 'The reason you're here is because you're a crap driver'. He then smiled at me. It was an amazing moment, very moving."
   Although Top Gear favourite Richard Hammond suffered "significant brain injury", doctors say that they are reasonably optimistic about his chances of recovery. He's been conscious at least twice since the accident, which doctors said was a good sign. There are no visible signs of injury apart from a black eye, reports the BBC. He was trying to beat the 300.3mph British land speed record in a jet-powered dragster at Elvington.
   If you like to consider making a donation please follow this link:
   I guess by being members of the ACOC we are all petrol-heads and I hope you don't feel this is an inappropriate use of the club website.
   Thanks - John.