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Messages - psjsam

AC Weller Engine / Post war 2-litre engine parts
April 05, 2024, 16:19:27
A friend brought this to my attention (see link below). It might be of interest to someone. I have a feeling that the vendor lives less than a mile from me, so if I can be of assistance please let me know.
A friend brought this to my attention (see link below). It might be of interest to someone. I have a feeling that the vendor lives less than a mile from me, so if I can be of assistance please let me know.
I have come rather late to this discussion, being one of the largely silent majority of club members and a fairly infrequent user of the Forum. However, I'm concerned at the impression that Eric might have formed from the various exchanges here, and I would like to offer him as reassurance that having been a club member of nearly 40 years, I have found it to consist of a very welcoming and friendly body of people. I have nothing but gratitude and praise for the officials who have freely given their time in the efficient running of the club's affairs. The international and national events that we have attended have always been most enjoyable with an excellent mix of motoring and socialising with friends. In the south midlands we have a monthly social gathering to which all are welcome. I really don't recognise the suggestion that the club is Cobra/Ace-centric. "Action" always carries a range of topics with a major feature being John Spencer's delve into the archives which pre-date those models. Any model bias in what gets posted on the forum is presumably simply a reflection of the numbers of those models built and thus owned by club members. There are always members willing to offer help and advice in resolving problems with ownership of our cars.
Hopefully Eric will make up his own mind about the value of having joined the club and will not be influenced by any negative views expressed by others.
I've enjoyed the event in past years, but I'm afraid I make a point of keeping off the roads on bank holidays.
ACOC News and Events / Frank Ashley's funeral
April 28, 2023, 17:02:35
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone planning to attend could please drop Thelma an email on which will
help Thelma to plan accordingly.

Thank you.
ACOC News and Events / Frank Ashley's funeral
April 22, 2023, 19:10:42
I have been informed that Frank's funeral will take place at Cheltenham Crematorium on Thursday 11th May at 2pm, and afterwards at Prescott Hill-climb.
ACOC News and Events / Frank Ashley
April 16, 2023, 12:48:36
It is with great sadness that I am passing on the news that Frank Ashley passed away peacefully this morning.
Our thoughts are with his partner, Thelma Grose, and Frank's family. Frank was an enthusiastic and well-known club member, and most recently enjoyed the company of fellow AC owners at the annual dinner. He will be greatly missed.
Hi Nick
I've not found a message from you. Did you use my email address from my profile?
Hi Nick

I bought a spare one off Tony, so you would be welcome to it. Are you aware that the finish is plain without the Bristol part number on it? I've not used the spanner so can't vouch for it, but others have confirmed that they are up to the task.
If you're interested I think I paid £30, so yours for that plus postage.
You are not alone. It hasn't arrived in Warwickshire yet.
ACOC News and Events / Salon Privé
August 24, 2022, 20:44:10
Apart from the ad in Action, I have not seen or heard anything more about this event. Is anybody else planning to attend the public day on September 4th? I'm going to feel a bit lonely if it's just me!
Hello All
Can anyone confirm if I'm correct in my recollection that the rubber surround for the later (round-cornered) Aceca windscreen is the same as that used for the BMC Mini?
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Advice request
April 17, 2015, 07:30:12
Hello Glenn
   I'm afraid I'm not a regular reader of the Forum, hence the tardy reply. Some years ago I fitted 185x16 Kleber tyres to my Ace having seen another Ace racing on them. Mine rubbed the wheel arches. When Michelin started to produce 5.50x16 X's again I bought a set from Longstone Tyres. I seem to recall they told me that they had a slightly larger profile than the originals being the nearest metric equivalent to the originals. These still just touched the wheel arches. My solution was to replace the two longest leaves of the rear spring with slightly shorter ones - obtained from David Sanderson. This alters the camber enough to clear the wheel arches and, I'm advised, has the benefit of improving handling. I'm not a racer so I can't really comment on this. The appearance is fine. I don't think an Ace looks right with an Aceca rear spring.
   I have removed my Aceca-Bristol's box without removing the engine, by following the instructions on page 32 of the "General Instructions" manual. I have neither a hoist nor a pit. It wasn't a fun job, but it's probably rather easier with an Ace since you don't have the constraint of the roof. My wife supported the gearbox from above while I worked underneath to slide out the box and rotate and lift it. I made a rope sling and provided padding for her to kneel on. I do spoil her! If you would like any more information about this job, please let me know.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Ace steering wheel
November 18, 2013, 19:22:20
I've also spoken to David Sanderson today and he was clear that the vertical spoke should be above the boss. I take Barrie's point that the instruments are easier to see that way, so that's the way it will be! Many thanks for your comments. Regards, Phil Jones.
Ace, Aceca & Greyhound Forum / Ace steering wheel
November 18, 2013, 16:00:39
Thanks - yes the movie is fun, but it seems to me that the scene after the Aceca has gone through the barn shows the vertical spoke below the boss, assuming the car is moving straight ahead.