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Messages - manxman

Thanks guys for the support !

I finally find a pair from Hawk cars  :)

Just for information: Gery explained there is some shims in the ball joint so you can play with it to adjust the tolerance before moving to a new part.
Hi guys,

This moning I changed the front tyres of my Cobra (AKL from 1993). While the tyres where off I checked the front suspension and direction and I discovered my top ball joint from the upper whisbone have some play and needs to be replaced  :(
I check this afternoon in the forum threads but I wasn't able to find the ref of the part (see attached pic).
Does anyone knows where to purchase the part ?
By the way, is there a special procedure to adjuste the ball joint?


Quote from: AC Ventura on June 02, 2021, 21:56:02
Very easy to repair a radiator pin hole with RADWELD.
It's one of the options... I will try with some products like this one before changing the radiator. Thanks for the tip.
Quote from: jmohara on June 02, 2021, 00:57:11
There are a few threads that reference this part: Dorman 45621
I have not had to replace any so I am not 100% sure.
Congrats on getting the car registered!
Thanks a lot! I will order and let you know if the part is the correct one.
Hello everybody,

I finally get my Spanish registration after 11 months... and a lot of docs to present to the Spanish administration  :-\ But the important is now I can drive my car  :)
I want to say thank you to some ACOC members who support me providing docs during the registration process!

I would like to know where to find the grommets located under the bonnet (see picture) because some are missing.

I would also like to know the reference or type of the engine radiator because I'm considering to install a new one as I think I have a very small pinhole  :(. I've tried to search on the Forum but with no success.

Thanks for your help.

Hello Laurent,

I think the steering rack is from a MG B but with some modification on the imput shaft. Maybe some expert can confirm this ?

Best regards,

Hi everybody,

I hope all of you are doing well.
Cobra is now at home in spain  :) and I start to try to register the car locally.... For the moment it seems going well because the seller give me a copy of the TUV document when the car was registered for the first time in Germany :D. But the Spanish MOT is asking for a emission certificate of the engine (I suppose it was €uro 1 at that time...).
Does somebody knows where I can get such a document for a 1995 Ford V8 EFI engine ? I've been looking on the net but I only found docs from 2004-on.
Any help will be welcome to complete this complex registration  ;)

I've been using the car around home and I noticed 2 troubles:

- The car is running Hot for me: around 100º or more and the cooling fan doesn't stop: I assume that the radiator must be cleaned and apply a new coolant.

- When driving at iddle or low Rpm (less than 2500 rpms) the engine rattles a lot and after 2500 Rpm the engine is running smoothly: I may have some leak in the air pump or some vacuum pipe... Any more tip or idea ?

Thanks a lot for your help  :)
Thanks to everybody for your coments and also the docs you send  :D :D

Now I just need the car in my garage and also some documents to register my car in Spain.... I hope, if Covid 19 evolution is positive, to get the car next month... Lets cross fingers :)
Hi Peter,

You have a MP with my email  ;)

Hi martin,

Time is now very long  :'( but I know the day I can get the car will be unforgettable !
Thanks for your feedback !

AKL is correct because I check the body and chassis number and also the list of diferences between normal and lightweight models. I suppose there is some mistake on the register.

I think AKL1422 is correct. The car was offered Jan. 2012 on the internet platform by CarTrading CT-Car Sarl. I have some pictures if your interested. : yes please, all the information / history of the car will be welcome  :D

Hello everybody !

I can imagine Covid-19 is not a good moments for all the members so, as we have a lot of time at home, let me try to be positive and present myself and my new toy.

I'm French but I'm currently living in Spain (close to Girona) and I'm UK cars and motorcycles lover: I've owned a MGb and also an Austin Healey 100/6 before switching to german cars (it was hard to maintain UK cars and bikes at the same time  ;D). I'm also a Norton lover (I've got 6 bikes) and I'm currently restoring a rusty (very rusty  :-\...) Triumph Tr4.
Just before the Covid situation I exchange one of my cars for a Cobra Mk4 Lighweight (AKL 1422). Unfortunately the car is still in the previus owner garage and when it will be allowed to drive I will bring it back home  :)
Ac Cobra have always been my dream car so a Lightweight was a good and afordable combination for me.
The car is in very good condition and I'm in contact with some  ACOC members in order to get documents to register the car in Spain.
I also want to know if there is some technical documentation for Mk4 cars like workshop, part list, driver manual, etc... All docs will be welcome  :) My knowlege in AC cars is poor so I hope to learn a lot with this forum.

Speak soon  :)